Thursday, September 3, 2020
Yeast Culture Lab: Background Information
Yeast Culture Lab: Background Information In the research facility, yeasts are put away, kept up developed with the assistance of not many rudimentary strategies. Yeasts, being a gathering of unicellular creatures dealt with like those of most microscopic organisms aside from that their nourishing natural necessities differ. Yeast: Theseâ are microorganismsâ having cells with layer bound cores .Yeasts are unicellular and its size may change incredibly relying upon the species. Yeasts have agamic and sexual conceptive cycles and the majority of them imitate agamically by growing. Yeast culture: Yeast culture makes yeast as dry item over a media dried over so as to shield the maturing action of the yeast. The procedure of maturation makes metabolites, which is in reality a preferred position of yeast culture. The bacterial movement gets animated bringing about an expansion in assimilation of feeds by the microscopic organisms as their number developed. This expansion in numbers can bring about more supplements from the feed being accessible going about as a wellspring of vitality. Propagation: The characteristic procedure bolsters life as it delivers new descendants individualâ organisms from their folks. Every individual living being exists because of this organic procedure. The procedure includes two techniques for the accompanying types:â sexualâ andâ asexual. Sexual proliferation requires two people of other gender to include during the sexual course. Be that as it may, the abiogenetic proliferation don't any requires association of another person as it can duplicate with the division of a bacterial cell into two little girl cells. Utilization: It is essentially the way toward bringing food into the body through the mouth. In any case, multiplication is an element of utilization. At the point when a living being goes under multiplication, its utilization must be satisfactory to offer the strengthening wholesome help since this organic procedure needs extra assets for future endurance. Demise in Population: The procedures that change the size of populaces are birth, demise and development into and out of that populace. The study of biology isn't just about getting nature however regularly likewise about anticipating or controlling it. In the existence history of the unitary living being, over the long haul and the post conceptive stage shows up death occurs because of senescence which is the natural procedure of becoming more established. The person of various ages do add to births in populace. According to the static life table, we expect the paces of birth and demise to be consistent. Be that as it may, the fertility of people likewise changes with their age add to births in the populace according to age-explicit fruitfulness plans. Further, understanding the accomplice life table for annuals tracks a solitary associate from the main birth to the demise of last survivor. Point of the Experiment: Let us comprehend the way toward assembling Bakers Yeast by inferring took care of group culture so as to decrease the defilement. Technique: The creation of Bakers yeast includes a progression of high-impact stages for the improvement of inoculums. The procedure includes eight phases. The initial three phases are aseptic as the unadulterated culture for introductory inoculums are utilized. In any case, open vessels are utilized to convey rest of the stages. Siphoning of yeast from one phase to the next just as the seed societies being axis and washed before move lessens the degree of defilement. During the later stages, which includes took care of group frameworks, guarantees better yield. The advancement of inoculums for the business creation of Bakers yeast includes PC 1, 2, 3 as unadulterated culture bunch maturations. F 1 2 is non-aseptic cluster maturations. F 3 4 is taken care of cluster aging F5 is last taken care of group maturation prompting yield of Bakers yeast with insignificant sullying. Reason: The reason for this trial is to comprehend the way toward creating Bakers yeast with the evacuation of pollution to its moderation. It included the fed-clump culture to portray cluster societies took care of with a medium without the end of culture liquid. Materials and Methods: Molasses, Chemicals like sulfuric corrosive Ammonium Sulfate, Ammonium Phosphate, Ammonia, Sodium Chloride, Antifoaming, Potato Starch, Emulsifying operator and Sodium Hydroxide and so forth. Profile on creations of Bakers Yeast Retrieved from The fed-clump maturation framework follows as appeared in the figure underneath. The Vitaminpros site, graph recovered from ( Conversation: The graphs of various populace elements comprehensive of: Periods of populace development after calamity Impediments of natural conveying limit (while it is high) Impediments of natural conveying limit (while it is low) Livable site ruled by populace rot We could without much of a stretch make sense of that factors, which control the size of a populace, may not decide its size for more often than not rather; reactions may change over changing degrees of assets. Populationâ growthâ cycle: As we have considered, the thickness subordinate birth death rates lead to the guideline of well known size. At the point when both are thickness ward or both of them, at that point, the two bends cross. The thickness at which they do is conveying limit. The populace chart includes four stages: Slack Phase: Here, the yeast settles in the earth. Logarithmic Phase: Until this stage, they trust that the positive conditions will develop, devour repeat. As they locate the best possible results, they develop exponentially. Fixed Phase: This stage is just transitory as propagation makes their condition fall apart to where the demise rate starts to surpass the birth rate. Demise Phase: During this stage, the earth turns out to be exceptionally poisonous with their fecal matter outcomes in their passing. Conveying Capacity: its impact Conveying limit is the populace level of a living being that endures given the amount of life supporting foundation accessible to it. In a circumstance where quantities of a creature are beneath the conveying limit of its condition, its introduction to the world rate will enhance. On the off chance that the populace surpasses the conveying limit, the passing rate will increment until the populace numbers are steady. Conveying limit expanded by the disclosure and abuse of new assets, (for example, metals, oil or fruitful uninhabited land) and diminished by asset fatigue and waste development, for instance declining soil richness andâ waterâ pollution. The natural idea of conveying limit assists with deciding a reasonable populace level. The Energy stream in Biogeochemical Cycle: We should comprehend the example of vitality stream for backwoods, meadow, microscopic fish network in ocean little lakes. It encourages us to comprehend relative jobs of live purchaser and decomposer frameworks. We will see that the decomposer framework is liable for lion's share of auxiliary creation and the live purchasers have more noteworthy job in vast water oceanic networks. On the off chance that we talk about the motion of vitality matter through biological systems, we will go over different cycles: The phosphorus cycle The nitrogen cycle The sulfur cycle The carbon cycle They go about as worldwide pathways of supplements between the abiotic repositories of air, hydrosphere lithosphere and the biotic supplies comprise of earthly amphibian networks. As a rule, the depiction of the whole procedure goes this way. The figure Retrieved from End: The characteristic procedures works in congruity and any impact or changes in the usefulness or conduct of one procedure will affect other regular marvel. The Hypothesis acknowledged according to the effective finish of the investigation referenced above, as the measure of sullying in the Bakers yeast created was insignificant. References Coleman, B. (1996). Added substances for Horse Feeds. Recovered from Website:  Townsend, C.R. (2008). Fundamentals of Ecology (third Edition), Individuals, Populations, Communities Ecosystems Retrieved from (Chap. 5, pp. 145-153) Townsend, C.R. (2008). Fundamentals of Ecology (third Edition), Individuals, Populations, Communities Ecosystems Retrieved from (Chap. 5, pp. 145-163) Townsend, C.R. (2008). Fundamentals of Ecology (third Edition), Individuals, Populations, Communities Ecosystems Retrieved from (Chap. 5, pp. 145-163) Stanbury, P.F.,Whitaker,A.(1995).Principles of aging technology,2nd version Retrieved from (section 6, figure 6.2) Townsend, C.R. (2008). Fundamentals of Ecology (third Edition), Individuals, Retrieved from Populations, Communities Ecosystems (Chap. 9, pp. 288) Townsend, C.R. (2008). Fundamentals of Ecology (third Edition) Retrieved from Individuals, Populations, Communities Ecosystems, (Chap. 5, pp. 170, fig. 5.21) Townsend, C.R. (2008). Fundamentals of Ecology (third Edition) Retrieved from Individuals, Populations, Communities Ecosystems, (Chap. 11, pp. 368, fig. 11.7) Townsend, C.R. (2008). Fundamentals of Ecology (third Edition) Retrieved from Individuals, Populations, Communities Ecosystems, (Chap. 11, pp. 381, fig. 11.16)
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess Essay Example
Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess Paper In the two Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess Browning censures the situation of ladies in Victorian culture by indicating the connection among people through two sensational monologs. In both of the sonnets the men give off an impression of being the reprobates, in Porphyrias Lover Porphyria is executed by the man who she has gone through the downpour to seen. In My Last Duchess despite the fact that it is muddled if the Duke had the Duchess executed or simply sent to a religious community, there is unmistakably something going on with the Duke saying I provided orders/Then all grins halted together. The Duke and Porphyrias absolutely don't have all the earmarks of being definitely not scalawags however maybe there is somewhat more to the two characters. Despite the fact that the characters may not be as straightforward as being simply reprobates, it is difficult to feel a lot of compassion toward them. They are both desirous and controlling, particularly the Duke who even must have control of the image of the Duchess None puts by/the window ornament I have drawn for, yet I. Porphyrias Lover is much increasingly desirous and murders Porphyria so she could have a place just with him That second she was mine, mine, with the redundancy of mine underscoring the envy and childishness of the character. We will compose a custom article test on Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The Duke and Porphyrias sweetheart decrease ladies to objects with the Duke rewarding the Duchess particularly as one of his costly fortunes and with Porphyrias love saying how Porphyria felt after he had killed her The grinning blushing little head/so happy it has its most extreme will. Neither has any comprehension of the ladies in the sonnets, the Dukes childishness is particularly clear in his remark But who went without a similar grin which shows how envious he was the point at which his Duchess even set out to grin at another person. The two of them are particularly in charge of the ladies in the sonnets, with even god like affiliations; the Duke has a sculpture of Neptune Taming an ocean horse which shows how the Duke feels regular things ought to be subdued, maybe how he felt about his better half who seems, by all accounts, to be extremely normal with symbolism, for example, branch of fruits plantation and white donkey related with her. Porphyrias darling persuades himself that his homicide of Porphyria was fine since God has not let out the slightest peep which appears to be a shockingly carefree interpretation of the homicide of the ladies who made a difference such a great amount to him. Porphyrias love is absolutely the additionally terrifying of the characters, this is halfway a direct result of the meter utilized, versifying tetrameter, which gives the monolog a nearly sing-tune impact, and appears to be abnormally quiet thinking about it, recounts to the account of a homicide. Porphyrias sweetheart is more latent and pitiful than the Duke adding to the vile impact of the sonnet, this is appeared in she put my arm about her midsection and the unfortunate false notion toward the start of the sonnet, for instance the dour breeze and this pathetic, discouraged nature causes Porphyrias darling to appear to be progressively narrow minded and despicable. The Duke isn't as clearly awful as Porphyrias darling, he has all the earmarks of being increasingly unobtrusive, or least attempts to be progressively unpretentious about the removal of his better half, this is demonstrated is his hesitance which is clarified in his tangled sentence structure, for instance I said Fra Pandolf by plan, for never read Strangers like you that envisioned face. In spite of the fact that the Duke appears to be less startling than Porphyrias darling he despite everything seems to be controlling, possessive (My last Duchess) and narrow minded, and practically difficult to feel compassion toward. The equivalent is valid for Porphyrias Lover, he is a character who is it essentially difficult to feel frustrated about. Maybe this is on the grounds that both of these sonnets are an analysis of womens position in Victorian culture, ladies couldn't cast a ballot or hold political office and in spite of the fact that mentalities were gradually starting to change, ladies were still especially observed as articles, much like the Duke considers the To be as an item to be respected like his numerous canvases, and seen by numerous individuals as being unequipped for genuine idea about anything. Robert Browning was hitched to effective lady writer Emily Elizabeth Barret Browning, who was more fruitful than Robert Browning during their lifetimes, demonstrating that Browning plainly believed ladies to be prepared to do something beyond housework, in contrast to numerous other Victorian artists, most outstandingly Coventry Patmore, who composed The Angel in the House which depicted the ideal Victorian spouse whose activity it was to satisfy her significant other however him to please/Is womans delight. Both of the men in the sonnets may be so abhorrent you shouldn't feel frustrated about them, since they speak to a bigger issue in the public eye instead of simply singular stories. In spite of the fact that the Duke and Porphyrias sweetheart are both obviously terrible characters maybe it is difficult to feel no compassion at all towards them. The two characters at last destruction their own wants; Porphyria has a place with Porphyrias sweetheart for the short measure of time before her passing is discovered, and the Duke needed the Duchess considerations to be centered uniquely around him and his Nine hundred years of age name, yet in what capacity would this be able to be accomplished with the Duchess dead or secured away a religious circle? It is just a modest quantity of pity felt towards them for this, yet the two of them are extremely self tricked and unfit to see the truth of their activities and their general surroundings for instance Porphyria ventures out through the downpour to see her sweetheart in his bungalow and he believes that she is too powerless to even think about setting herself liberated from pride, and vain tides dissever/and offer herself to me perpetually, anyway this may be feeling compassion towards the circumstance in general not the men, in such a case that they had comprehended what was truly going on there would be no requirement for the ladies to have been executed. Maybe, additionally, before this scene their relationship was increasingly typical, would Porphyria venture through brutal climate to visit somebody she thought would not give grace to her anyway we can't tell in the event that she would as the story is told from Porphyrias sweethearts perspective. Anyway savage and vile the character of Porphyrias sweetheart is there is still a touch of compassion felt towards him, he is devoured by envious and needs Porphyria to be his alone, but since she has a higher societal position than him this isn't at all conceivable. With the Duke the picture of him pursuing the emissary Nay, well go/together down sir for me summarizes exactly how pitiable the Dukes life is, he feels his reality with pictures by celebrated craftsmen Claus of Innsbruck and Fra Pandolf yet he can't get what he needs, for his cash and 900 years of age name couldn't give him the Duchess full focus that he so pined for. His tangled linguistic structure, which is sympathized the successive utilization of enjambment, and endeavors to be inconspicuous show successfully how empty his life is, which is most obviously indicated when he is tending to the agent about a potential marriage among himself and the little girl of another respectable towards the finish of the sonnet The Count your lords realize altruism Is abundant warrant that no only affectation Of dig for endowment will be refused; In spite of the fact that his reasonable little girls self, as I acknowledged At beginning, is my item and maybe this is the principle reason that some compassion is felt towards him. By and large, albeit the two characters submit awful deeds anyway some compassion stays towards them, despite the fact that this may be somewhat on the grounds that the tales are told from the mens perspective and we need to speculate the genuine occasions of every one of the accounts. By and large I feel that albeit the two men are obviously scoundrels, with Porphyrias love choking Porphyria and seeming to feel no regret by any means, and the Duke forebodingly alluding to his had the option to dispose of his last spouse, it is difficult to feel no compassion at all for them since the two of them have such empty lives, on account of the Duke, and could always have been unable to accomplish what they really needed particularly Porphyrias darling who, due to his lower societal position could always be unable to wed Porphyria maybe prompting his all expending desire that drove him to submit the homicide.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Impact Of Social Media On Business Commerce Essay
Effect Of Social Media On Business Commerce Essay Web based life or at the end of the day New Media characterizes long range interpersonal communication locales like Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Youtube alongside a lot more destinations that draw in clients to take an interest in,comment on and make content as methods for speaking with their social group,other clients and public.It can happen by means of a computer(like workstations and netbooks),tablets(like iPads,iTouch and others) and versatile phones(smart phones).Social media in todays world has become a worldwide marvel. Web based life in todays world is a piece of any business, no organizations can sell there items without the assistance of online networking in light of the fact that internet based life is a mass correspondence media which takes the detail of value and cost of the item to the shoppers. Consequently internet based life encourages the firm completely to acquire the benefit from the business . 1Agnihotri, Raj; Kothandaraman, Prabakar; Kashyap, Rajiv; Singh, Ramendra. (2012). effect of internet based life on business. Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management.â . 32 (16), p333-348. This article is fascinating, it gives helpful data about the historical backdrop of web-based social networking and it clarifies how internet based life impacts business. It has valuable data about the effect of social on business In various fields of business. I will utilize this source in my last exposition since it clarifies about various terms for instance deals the board, business knowledge, business arranging and some more. Besides, it clarifies how the organistaions accomplish objectives utilizing online life. Its a quickest developing procedure in business associations which portrays an objective in an associations. Anyway web based life is a significant device which discloses how to keep up undertakings in different fields like a sales rep to keep up a vocation in a superior manner to make an occupation esteem. This article is giving me various thoughts how the business is finished with the assistance of online networking. As should be obvious this article has the regular focuses about the web based life showcasing techniques, firms systems, business arranging and deals the executives. Dave Ray . (2010). The Positive Effects of Social Media. Available: outcomes of-internet based life online.html. Last got to 28th oct 2012. This site clarifies about the positive effect of internet based life on business. It discloses how to utilize web-based social networking for future online business whatever it might be, an item or advertising which will deliver you profit toward the day's end. This site likewise gives data about how web based life has developed in the overall generally in business, as should be obvious these days no business runs without the assistance of online networking. Anyway utilizing this webpage for my last article will be increasingly helpful in light of the fact that it call attention to how the business firms use organizing sites to stay in contact with clients, look at the, and know there taste and inclination . Hence this site is giving me various thoughts and it explains about various systems administration social and business arranged informal community sites and it additionally illuminate how the organizations accomplish their objectives with the assistance of online life organizing sites ( for instance facebook, twitter and myspace) john souza. (2011).â social media highlights for a lift in business.Available: based life highlights support business/. Last got to 28th oct 2012. I am accepting this site as my source since it gives me insight concerning online life highlights which causes the organizations to improve their business. It represent about different internet based life sites like facebook, twitter, linkedin and youtube. For instance: facebook pages helps the undertaking in publicizing their item on their pages which are preferred by numerous individuals and at whatever point a ware is loved by a part it goes on his/her own profile consequently the venture uninhibitedly promoted and it spares the expense of the product. Just as in twitter, on the off chance that a record is moved up to proficient, at that point their will be numerous individuals to tweet you which implies more benefit for the firm. Accordingly I should utilize this source in my last exposition since it characterizes internet based life in a superior manner and it shows how the business firms make their brands name famous and how they make they benefit by utilizing web-based social networking system pages . Catherine Lovering. (2010). Negative Effects of Social Media on Business. Available: online life business-25682.html. Last got to 27th oct 2012 I am accepting this article as my hotspot for the last paper , various articles clarifies various things as this clarifies me how online life makes issues for business firms . In nowadays no organization can utilize negative items as they are seen by media, in such a case that they do, media makes negative tales about their items which makes a major issue for the organization and friends is broadcasted with the awful name in the market . Online networking is a major piece of the business ,web based life welcomes everybody to its locale representatives, works and shoppers . internet based life makes trouble for the organizations to state about their brands that are negative, since clients are transparently welcome to media and they would remark on the brands that abusive . Therefore, utilizing this article as a source in my last exposition will be increasingly useful then some other on the grounds that it calls attention to many negative points about social middle negative effects on business and how can it makes issue for organizations like discussing unapproved laborers for associations sake. Rodriguez, Michael; Peterson, Robert M.; Krishnan, Vijaykumar. . (2012). effect of web based life on business. Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management.â . 32 (14), p365-378. In this article Michael, Robert and vijay kumar has clarified how the web based life impact business firms. As per Neilson company(2010), online life clients overall developed about 30 percent in 2010, from 244 million to almost 315 million clients. Research from Gartners shoppers innovation and markets bunches anticipated that worldwide spending via web-based networking media would add up to $14.9 billion in 2012(Gupta 2011) ( ) In this way, as the utilization of web based life rises, the cost of the item likewise rises and the client who are called lord of the market will in general change to its substitutes of that ware which has the meriting cost instead of the product that is publicize through methods for internet based life. This article has talked about the negative effects of web based life which says that in view of web based life numerous large business firms loses its clients consistently for various reasons.
An Astrologers Day, Dusk and The Umbrella Man Essays
An Astrologers Day, Dusk and The Umbrella Man Essays An Astrologers Day, Dusk and The Umbrella Man Essay An Astrologers Day, Dusk and The Umbrella Man Essay An Astrologers Day by R.K Narayan Sunset by H.H Munro (Saki) The Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl From numerous points of view, An Astrologers Day, is a spine chiller and is loaded up with an uncanny tension which is uncovered uniquely toward the end. But then, similar to all his different stories, here R.K Narayan manages the life of a common Indian man whose life, when moved by Fate, had modified drastically. The tension which is shrewdly kept up till the unpleasant end guarantees that the peruser will continue turning the pages, and when the end arrives there isn't only a good feeling alone yet in addition a feeling of basic shock that is stunning. Without a doubt, this is a fine anticipation story. The narrative of Dusk starts on a cynical note as the creator, H.H Munro portrays all the crushed individuals of the world who come out of their homes in the sunset time with the goal that they don't need to meet fruitful individuals. Be that as it may, the remainder of the story has little to do with this negativity and we are brought into the splendid arrangement of a certainty swindler who was out to bring in cash on some artless casualty. The finish of the story will undoubtedly make the peruser snicker and marvel at the mind and inventiveness of an ace narrator. The Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl, is about a certainty swindler, however not at all like different stories this is told from a childs viewpoint which adds to the funniness and appeal of this portrayal. A mother and her little girl are fooled into purchasing a costly umbrella at an expendable cost; yet they before long understand that the dealer is a real merchant as well as has an odd purpose behind selling the umbrella, and that they have been scammed despite purchasing the umbrella low priced. There is a component of tension in each of the three stories which keeps the perusers filled with anticipation till the end. R.K Narayan commences the story by quietly portraying the life of the lower class Indian i.e the stargazer and the environmental factors wherein he works. The storyteller doesn't re
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Definition of Market and Some Marketing Resources
The Definition of Market and Some Marketing Resources A market is wherever where venders of specific merchandise or administrations can meet with purchasers of those products and ventures. It makes the potential for an exchange to occur. The purchasers must have something they can offer in return for the item to make an effective transaction.â There are two principle sorts of marketsâ †markets for merchandise and ventures and markets for the variables of creation. Markets can be named superbly serious, defectively serious or imposing business models, contingent upon their highlights. Terms Related to Market Aâ free showcase economyâ is directed by flexibly and request. Free alludes to the absence of legislative authority over cost and production.â Market disappointment happens when an unevenness exists among gracefully and request. To a greater degree an item is delivered than is requested, or even more an item is requested than is produced.â A total market is one that has segments set up to address for all intents and purposes any possible circumstance.â Assets on Marketâ Here are a couple of beginning stages for examine on advertise if youre composing a research paper or perhaps simply attempting to teach yourself in light of the fact that youre thinking about propelling a business.â Great books regarding the matter incorporate the Dictionary of Free-Market Economics,â by Fred E. Foldvary. It is truly a word reference enveloping pretty much any term you may experience managing free market economics.â Man, Economy, and State with Power and Marketâ is by Murray N. Rothbard. Its really two works accumulated in one tome clarifying Austrian financial theory.â Popular government and the Marketâ by Adam Przeworski discusses monetary levelheadedness as it identifies with and interfaces with majority rule government. Diary articles on showcase that you may discover illuminating and valuable include The Econometrics of Financial Markets, The Market for Lemons: Quality Uncertaintyâ and the Market Mechanism, and Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk. The first is offered by Cambridge University Press and wasâ written by three financial aspects researchers to address observational finance.â The Market for Lemonsâ is composed by George A. Akerlofâ and is accessible on the JSTOR site. As the title suggests, this paper examines the different awards for merchants who produce and market product and items that are, just, of low quality. One mightâ think producers would keep away from this at all costs ... be that as it may, possibly not.â Capital Asset Prices is likewise accessible from JSTOR, at first distributed in the Journal of Finance in September 1964. Be that as it may, its hypotheses and standards have stood the trial of time. It examines the moves inborn in having the option to anticipate capital markets. As a matter of fact, a portion of these works are highbrow and might be hard for those simply swimming into the region of financial aspects, money, and market to process. On the off chance that youd like to get your feet somewhat wet first, here are a few contributions from ThoughtCo. to clarify a portion of these hypotheses and standards in plain English like how markets use data to set costs, the job of the market, and the impacts of an underground market utilizing gracefully and request. Sources Foldvary, Fred E. Word reference of Free-Market Economics. Hardcover, Edward Elgar Pub, December 1, 1998. Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market, Scholars Edition. Joseph T. Salerno (Introduction), Paperback, second release, Ludwig von Mises Institute, May 4, 2011. Przeworski. Vote based system and the Market. Studies in Rationality and Social Change, Cambridge University Press, July 26, 1991.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
On Comics and Role Models
On Comics and Role Models Towards the end of any semester, emails start flooding into our inboxes advertising last-minute events, study breaks (the best of which have puppies), and classes that will be offered next term. It becomes second-nature to skim through these emails, glancing at the subject lines, letting them digitally rot away until you forget about their existence or they are no longer relevant. Last spring, one such email caught my eye with a snazzy graphic. 21W.758, normally a genre fiction class with a variable focus, would become a comic script workshop for this semester, and I jumped at the chance of signing up (as did Chel R. ‘15, who wrote a post about the class earlier this semester with a very similar introduction). Our professor for the semester was Marjorie Liu, a New York Times bestselling novelist who also writes comics for Marvel. She helped us dive right into reading and writing comic scripts from day one of the class. We began the semester by learning some basics: how to format comic scripts, what information to include and focus on, and how to write for a comic artist in addition to your future audience. As time progressed, our writing assignments grew in length (from a 1-page comic to a 20-page full issue with a summary of the rest of our anticipated plot), but so did the size of the stories we were yearning to tell. Each week, we focused on new aspects of storytelling: strong characterization, sources of tension and conflict, the balance between words and pictures, worldbuilding, and pacing. And each week, we read and discussed a new webcomic or graphic novel to see all the different ways writers and artists are pushing the boundaries of comics as a medium and creating compelling stori es. There were nine of us in the workshop, and, even though I can’t speak for anyone but myself, it felt like we all experienced incredible growth over the course of the semester. Everyone’s characters became more interesting, our stories had greater depth and better pacing, and we were paying more attention to small yet vital details like the realism of dialogue and the right amount of visual information to include in individual panels. Our class wrote comic scripts on topics from lady superhero duos to Hawaiian mythology to being backstage during a show to sci-fi adventures to a boy whose drawings came to life. To give you an idea of the things I wrote, here are loose descriptions of the prompts and the titles of my stories: 9/10 â€" Includes words (1pg) â€" Wondering 9/17 â€" Focus on character and conflict (5pg) â€" Shipwrecked 9/24 â€" Superhero origin story (5pg) â€" Afraid of the Dark 10/05 â€" Female protagonist, focus on world (10pg) â€" Guardians 10/22 â€" Marvel fanfic or myth adaptation (15pg) â€" Gambling Man 11/12 â€" Historical (15pg) â€" La Maupin 12/09 â€" First issue/chapter of comic series (20pg) â€" Augmented Reality I’m really tempted to go back, revise, and maybe attempt at writing and drawing a couple of these ideas. That might happen as a side project during the infinite/amorphous time void that is IAP. Although I had plenty of wonderful humanities teachers throughout high school, this was the first time I’ve been in a rigorous writing workshop with hard deadlines and brutal (and therefore oh-so-helpful) critiquing sessions. After taking this class, I just feel so inspired to tell stories and practice writing and drawing more in my free time. I can’t thank Marjorie enough for how kindly she guided us through learning an entirely new medium, and how much of a role model she’s become to me as a female novelist and comic book writer who started out thinking she was going to do something totally different with her life. It gives me hope that I might find a similarly convoluted path to happiness and (dare I even hope) success someday in doing something that I love. So, of course, I ended the semester by meeting up with Marjorie over hot chocolate to interview her about her life and her thoughts about teaching at MIT. How would you describe yourself/what do you do? I would describe myself as a former attorney who managed to break free of the legal profession and start writing for a living, and Ive been really lucky to be able to follow my passion and write novels and comic books. Ive been able to explore writing video games and movies, and who knows what will be next? Right now, I really just love the fact that I can tell stories in so many different mediums. How did you find MIT and what compelled you to teach the comics class here? And what was your favorite part about teaching? I love MIT! Years and years and years ago, I applied to MIT for undergrad because I was so impressed with the school and the campus. Even though I wasnt a science person, I loved what I read about their humanities program. So I actually wanted to come to MIT â€" and, of course, that didnt happen. But years later, when I was asked whether or not Id be interested in teaching a course on comic books, I jumped at the chance! This is my passion, and the idea of sharing that passion and teaching others how to write comics, especially the undergrads at MIT, was really exciting to me. I didnt know that I would love teaching comics as much as I did. I write comics, but I dont actually think about what I do; I just sort of make it happen when it comes to putting out a comic book. But to break it down into all the different parts, articulate what those parts mean and how they fit together, was energizing. I felt like I was seeing my work â€" everyones work â€" in a whole different way. We definitely learned a lot, but did you learn anything from teaching us? You guys were incredible. Really smart, really intuitive, and you all had so many fun ideas. You were pushing at the boundaries of what comics can do. All of you were fearless, you just threw yourselves into it and that was really exciting for me to see. On a day-to-day level I do this work, Im watching other comic book writers do this work, and its not that we take for granted what we do, but its part of our profession. To see all these really young, super creative voices pushing against the medium was invigorating, because it was also a reminder that theres all this raw talent out there. And maybe you guys wont end up writing comics â€" but maybe you will, and that would be such a boon to the industry. When did you figure out you could be a professional fan/author for a living? How does it feel? It feels really weird, because I always loved to read. I had all my favorite authors; I was a huge fangirl of everyone from Ursula K. LeGuin to Steven King… you name it. When I got older it was my dream to write novels, but I wasnt sure Id be able to. So to write books, to actually tell my stories and see them go into print, is sort of mind blowing. Its also surreal and very humbling. The same thing happened with comics. I didnt start reading them until I was eighteen, and I never actually thought it would be possible to write them. But, once I started, it was also humbling and deeply, deeply exciting. It allowed me to use a different part of my voice that I hadnt before, and I realized there were all these other stories cooped up inside me â€" stories that would never work as novels, because they were meant to be graphic novels, comics. But Im definitely still a fan; I still get nervous around other writers, whether or not theyre writing novels or comic books. I get sweaty! [My response: Dont we all.] Do you have any role models or heroes? Who are they and why? I have so many… oh gosh. The thing is, every time I read a good book, that person is my hero because its not easy. Writing a good book, writing a good comic, writing a good graphic novel none of that is easy. And so, when I read something thats fun and exciting and moving, Im like, that person is my new hero. As another writer, its really beautiful seeing a story where all the pieces just fit. What is something you always want to remember or keep telling yourself over the course of your jobs/life? Stay true to my voice and follow my imagination. Follow my freak, as we say, no matter how strange the idea is or how unlikely it might seem. Over the years, Ive had a lot of people tell me oh, you shouldnt write stories that are set in other countries because no one will read them or you shouldnt write stories with heroes of color because no one will read them, or you shouldnt do this, you shouldnt do that. And I ignored them all. What is it, the Joseph Campbell saying? Society is like a dragon, with scales that say either Thou Shalt or Thou Shalt not; and you always need to slay the dragon. Because if you are compelled to tell a story, no matter how strange it is, no matter how bizarre, no matter how many people say, you know, thats just weird, if youve got it in you, just follow that impulse. And follow it as far as itll go. At a certain point, youll know, as a creator, whether or not youve pushed it to the limit or whether or not its crap. But you actually have to go there and explore it before you actually say no to it. For sentimental value, here are a couple photos of all 10 of us on the last day of classes! The selfie is definitely my favorite.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Cultural Experiences at a Museum Research Assignment - 550 Words
Cultural Experiences at a Museum Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Cultural Experiences at a MuseumNameInstitutional AffiliationDateDuring this term, I had the chance of visiting Whitney MuseumAmerican Art in New York CITATION Smi17 \l 1033 (Smith, 2017). The museum is located in Manhattan. This was my second visit to a museum. I had visited a museum in my local city where I grew up a few years back, and therefore I had a lot of expectations. We arrived at the museum very early in the morning, when the museum attendants were still reporting to their places of work. In fact, we were among the first people to get into the museum. After paying the charges, the officer gave assigned us an attendant who would be taking us through the various items that existed in the museum.lefttop museum mainly contains the 20th and 21st Century American Art CITATION Iov15 \l 1033 (Iovine, 2015). It made the visit to be fascinating to me since I had not had access to th e 21st Century Art that existed in America. There were so many paintings on the walls about various cultural aspects of America that I had not seen. There was this recreation of the Sculpture of Liberty that I was very interested in. The statue looked really like the original sculpture of Liberty located in New York Harbor at Liberty Island. The statue is decorated with a variety of colors that make it look more beautiful. The attendant explained to us that the sculpture was a simple of the American freedom. It was also a sign of welcoming the immigrants from the outside the country since it was donated to the United States by the people of France. It was also a reminder of dedication and being bold in everything that we do.lefttop0 we moved from one place to the other, everything at the museum appeared to be very new to me and I wished that I wished we would stay longer in the museum. We had a chan ce of observing a video that contained music lyrics of the past. I would find myself joining in the dance by the traditional music artists. There were so many people in the hall where we were watching the 30-minute video. Most of them were of my age, and they made a lot of jokes about the music lyrics that I felt like staying g there for a longer time to listen to their jokes. We asked the attendant if we would have a copy of the video, but he told us that it was not possible since they were limited. As a way of recalling the sweet memories that we had, we took lots of pictures with the other friends who had also visited the museum. attended a talk by one of the attendants at the museum about the importance of art. Art is culture, and it communicates to human beings about various items that we see in the society. Besides, art enables an...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Third-Person Pronouns Definition and Examples
In English grammar, third-person pronouns refer to people or things other than the speaker (or writer) and the person(s) addressed. In contemporary standard English, these are the third-person pronouns: He, she, it, one (singular personal pronouns in the subjective case)They (plural personal pronoun in the subjective case)Him, her, it, one (singular personal pronouns in the objective case)Them (plural personal pronoun in the objective case)His, hers (singular possessive pronouns)Theirs (plural possessive pronoun)Himself, herself, itself, oneself (singular reflexive/intensive pronouns)Themselves (plural reflexive/intensive pronoun) In addition, his, her, its, ones, and their are the singular and plural third-person possessive determiners. Unlike first-person (I, our, we, us, ours) and second-person pronouns (you, your, yours), third-person pronouns in the singular are marked for gender: he and she, him and her, his and hers, himself and herself. Formal vs. Informal Usage Third-person pronouns are often used formally or impersonally, where the second person you might be used in more informal contexts. In spoken English, youll often hear people use the plural they and their to agree with collective nouns (which are singular), but its not typically considered correct to do so, especially in formal written English. For example, youd write, The business just started using its new system, rather than their. The Singular They There is disagreement on the topic of whether they should ever be allowed to be singular, however. Authors Kersti Bà ¶rjars and Kate Burridge, in Introducing English Grammar, illustrate pronoun usage and take up that debate: Note that although it is true to say that first person refers to speaker/writer, second person to hearer/reader and third person to third parties, English shows some untypical uses....[Y]ou can be used to refer to people in general (preferable in some varieties of English to the indefinite one), e.g., Chocolate is actually good for you; in special cases of extreme politeness third person forms can be used to refer to the hearer (a kind of distancing technique), e.g. If Madam so desires, she could have the waist taken in a little; they often appear as a gender-neutral third person singular pronoun, e.g., If anyone wants it, they can have pavlova with extra whipped cream. We often hear the argument that this singular they is grammatically incorrect because a plural pronoun shouldnt refer back to a singular word and that he should be used instead, but clearly, this is linguistically unfounded. As weve just discussed, English has many examples where for special purposes pronouns depart f rom their central meaningâ€â€as so often is the case, there is no perfect match between form and meaning here. If youre writing for a class or for publication, find out whether guidelines allow for third-person they and their in singular contexts before using the convention, as its not widely accepted in formal, professional writing. However, it is gaining a toehold there and is sometimes also used in contexts where people need to refer to someone who does not identify with a gender-specific pronoun, explains the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Singular they usage is more commonly accepted in British English than American English. The Origin of Third-Person Pronouns English does not have a singular gender-neutral pronoun, which is the role that the usage of the singular they is trying to fill. The reason involves the history of the English language and how it adopted conventions from other languages as it evolved. Author Simon Horobin, in How English Became English, explains: Where Latin loanwords were predominantly lexical wordsâ€â€nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbsâ€â€Old Norse loans included grammatical items such as pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions....The most striking effect of this contact is the adoption into English of the Old Norse third-person plural pronouns, they, their, and them, which replaced the Old English equivalents to enable clearer distinctions between the third person plural pronouns hie (they), hi ra (their), him (them), and the pronouns he, her, and him.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Importance Of Cell Phones In School - 809 Words
Have you ever been interrupted in class with a cell phone going off? Nothing is worse than a phone interrupting you during class. Some schools try to prevent this. For example, at George Washington Middle School, students have to have their phones turned off and in their lockers. Although many people believe phones should be in schools for resources, phones shouldn’t be allowed because theyre distracting. they can hurt your education, and they can cause cyberbullying. Phones should not be allowed in school because they are distracting. Many students bring their phones to school for non-educational uses. They use them for social media and for games. A teacher, Becky Dieffenbachs, opinion is that bringing your own devices becomes a†¦show more content†¦Kids can go to an online cheating website and it can give them free answers. That means kids can use the website to cheat on tests and other work. They can also pass on information to others without the teacher knowing . A new survey found that more than one third of teens with cellphones admit to having stored information on them to look at during a test or texting friends about answers (Miners).Students admit to cheating with information off their phones which demonstrates they have no place in the classroom. Madeline Jones, a recent graduate of Baylake Pines School in Virginia Beach, Va., says that for regular in-class exams, sneaky students can easily take advantage of the iPhone, (Miners). When kids have their cell phones in class they can use them as a tool to cheat on test. Cheating is a reason why schools shouldnt allow cell phones in schools. Students don’t only use their phones to cheat in class. They also use them to cyberbully. Cell phones can create cyberbullying issues. Many parents are concerned about lifting the ban on cell phones, (Kiema). Cell phones in schools can encourage bullying and sexting during school hours. Students are more likely to say inappropriate things by texting instead of face to face. These conversations can go on throughout the day which can cause more issues. Some schools in New York City have taken cell phones out of schools due to the amount ofShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Cell Phones In School721 Words  | 3 Pages Are cells phones an improvement of learning to students? Phones and/or other electronic device are things that people are overly devoted to. Students are the main ones who are reliable on their phone for information and trending topics. The reliability on phones for students is tremendous and creates ways for students to learn topics that are far from being leaned by teaching. Learning on a phone is an easy access although for some it is not when students do not have the possession of one. TheseRead MoreThe Importance Of Cell Phones In School1024 Words  | 5 PagesCell phones. Mobile devices that allow millions across the world to communicate and reach out. They can be used for business, to call your great- grandma Ethel, or for some people, more sinister and malicious reasons. Almost all of the American teenage population own a smartphone or some sort of cellular or mobile device, but what is their place in the classroom? I believe that they have no place in schools. I think that they are a huge distraction to students, lead to bullying and gossip, and areRead MoreCell Phones in School: Nuisance or Learning Tool Essay673 Words  | 3 PagesCell phones over the past few years have become essential to teens. Attributable to this increase in cellphones teens bring them everywhere including school. Consequently though, students who bring them into school often use them without the teacher’s consent and get distracted. On the other hand, if teachers allowed the use of these devices, they could work as an aid. Although some believe that phones distract students in class, implementing them in the classroom could help learning, and may helpRead MoreThe Misuse Of Cell Phones In Schoo l?1312 Words  | 6 PagesCell Phones In School Do cell phones belong in school? Many think they can be a learning revolution while others think it is a learning deficit. In November 2017, the students of Deer Path Middle School were in the middle of LA class when suddenly a student’s phone blared disrupting the whole class. He was trying to play a mobile game in class. Many could not overcome the shock but the teacher took swift action and punished the student according to his crime. Misuse of Phones Phones. They are somethingRead MoreCell Phones And Their Possession At School Essay1593 Words  | 7 PagesCell phones in schools Researchers show in today’s society that there is a higher rate of students having cell phones at school than in prior years. There are many pros and cons to children having cell phones in their possession at school. According to Maya Cohen, a 2010 Pew Research Center found that 65 percent of cell owning teens bring their phones to school despite any bans that may be in place. It is up to the child to know the rules and regulations when carrying a phone at school, and it isRead MoreShould Mobile Phones Improve Our Lives?1141 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"CANADIANS†, IN THE NEW PHONES TECHNOLOGY AGE. INTRODUCTION: Canadians of all of ages wake up to the new Advantages of the technology, it is impossible Close the eyes to the continue progress of science. Mobile phones are really very important in our Lives that we cannot think our life without them. It is long-range, portable electronic they are equipped with The high-end features and specifications that it really makes us feel great in having them in our hands. They have completely intruded inRead MoreRestricted Cell Phone Areas896 Words  | 4 PagesIn the article From Stone Age To Phone Age , author Barbara Ehrereich argues that all cell phones serve as a status symbol, thus presenting mankind s selfish attempt to showboat their level of importance. By publicly engaging in meaningless conversations individuals are able to obtain admirer s jealously; thus portraying that the on-lookers are lonely because of their absence of a cellular phone or lack of received calls. In fact since primal times it has been a tendency of humans to competeRead MoreCyberbullying: The New Form Of Bullying. When Sending Our1661 Words  | 7 PagesCyberbullying: The New Form of Bullying When sending our children to school we expect them to be able to learn without distractions, but bullying makes that impossible. Bullying has been recognized as a problem for school children globally. In fact, school bullying has proven to be a risk factor for suicide, which has been identified as one of the top causes of death among teens (Erick Messias, 2014). Now that bullying and its importance has been acknowledged as a critical concern, several preventionRead MoreCell Phone Addiction in Ncba College Student1123 Words  | 5 PagesCELL PHONE ADDICTION IN NCBA COLLEGE STUDENT A Research Paper Presented to Prof. Zenaida T. Miranda National College of Business and Arts Fairview, Quezon City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for English 2 ( 9:30-10:30 MWF ) 2nd Semester 2007-2008 By: ________________________ Linn Dantlhee E. Estopace B.S.Accountancy March 7, 2008 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Cell phones in the country have not only broadened communications and introduced new and faster lifestylesRead MoreEssay On Importance Of Mobile Phone1270 Words  | 6 Pagesyour mobile phone in your school and personal life? Cell Phones could be a really reliable tool to use when it comes to your school work and etc . It allows students to obtain answer to questions very quickly and easily but students,adults and even parents intend to get addicted on cell phones easily and it’s broadly proven. For past the century cell phones have been there for us helps us to our daily living there is no doubt that we use cellphones in our daily lives . â€Å" Cell phones have enabled
Monday, May 11, 2020
Broader Impact Of Colonization On African Continent Essay
Amy Musah Dr. Konadu History 122 December, 2016 Broader Impact of colonization on African Continent According to the dictionary, colonialism may be defined as the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupy it settlers, and exploit it economically. Colonialism between the 1870s and 1900s had a massive impact on African communities. Therefore, I am studying effect of colonialism because I want to find out its impacts in order to understand the transformation it brought to the African continent based on our readings, films and class discussions. As present, the African continent continue to face serious economic, social and military challenges, even after attaining their political independence from European colonists. In this essay, I will demonstrate that colonialism broadly and adversely affected the socio-economic and military status on the African continent. Politically During the 1800s, the African continent began to face Europeans extending their power and influence through military force and military occupation which eventually led to the conquest and colonization of Africa. The Europeans merchants were more interested in the resources of the African continent rather than the value of the people. During the transatlantic slave, which occurred between the 15th and 19th century, most European merchants valued property and goodsShow MoreRelatedA Study Of African History1384 Words  | 6 PagesWest Africa, but little do they know African Americans were trading themselves way before then. Portuguese explorer Prince Henry, known as the navigator, was the first European to methodically explore Africa and the oceanic to the Indies.[1] Many Europeans thought that Africa s history was not important. They argued that Africans were inferior to Europeans and they used this to help justify slavery. However, the reality was very different. A study of African history shows that Africa was by no meansRead MorePolitical Instability in Modern African State2786 Words  | 12 PagesPOLITICAL INSTABILITY IN MODERN AFRICAN STATE, CAURSE, EFFECT AND SOLUTION INTRODUCTION The constant drumbeat of headlines about Darfur, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Somalia, Liberia as well as the other states in Africa that are beleaguered by political instability have made the causes of failed states and intra-state political conflicts a major issue, both academic and practical. The International Day of Peace which was established by a United Nation resolution in 1982, and is marked every year on SeptemberRead MoreThe Effect of Western Civilization and Culture in Africa5094 Words  | 21 Pagessetting and foreign dominance and subjugation of African people in all spheres of their social, political, cultural, economic and religious civilisations. Afro Asian Journal of Social Sciences Volume 1, No. 1 Quarter I V 2010 ISSN 2229 – 5313 Western civilisation and culture began to creep into African socio -cultural milieu, first, with the contact of Europeans with Africa, a consequence of Berlin conference in the quest for imperial pilfering of African resources and, later, consolidated by the unstoppableRead MorePolitical Violence in Africa8046 Words  | 32 Pagesis a part of the way in which African political and social activity are assessed internationally, an assessment that has economic as well as political repercussions for the scores of nations into which Africa is divided. Africa remains, at least for now and for the generations alive now, in the eyes of both its own people and those who observe it from abroad, essentially colonized. This thesis examines one of the most important present issues in a number of African nations today, which is that ofRead MoreThey Poured Fire on Us from the Sky Essay2394 Words  | 10 Pagesto the narrative to answer these questions. Themes and Context encourages students to use the book as a lens into larger ideas, events, and issues. These questions encourage students to think freely and independently on the war in Sudan and the broader moral and political debates stemming from it. Teaching Ideas offers course-specific projects, essays, and discussion questions for classes: English/Language Arts, Geography, History, Science, and Social Studies. READING AND UNDERSTANDING THERead MoreComparison of the Renaissance and Enlightenment.3470 Words  | 14 Pagesthe wealthy upper classes who constituted a small percentage of the population. Achievements of both, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment were the product of the elite, rather than a mass movement. Gradually though, they did have an irreversible impact on ordinary people. Another apparent similarity between the two periods, of course, was the fact that both of them were marked by great political and social changes. However, since evolution and progress cause changes, and achievements of one centuryRead MoreArchaeology Notes19985 Words  | 80 PagesOPEN LEARNING | AHT 202 EARLY AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY | | | W. KENNEDY GITU, L.K. NGARI, W.S. NDIIRI | 1/4/2012 | | Table of Contents Definition of Terms 3 Fossils in Geological Context 5 The Earth in the Cenozoic 11 Origins of Primates 17 The Basis for Human Evolution 23 Origins of the Genus Homo 28 Origins of Modern Humans†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 32 Behavior and Evolution of Early Hominines†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦39 African Pre- Historic Art†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreThe Federal Republic of Nigeria Essay5255 Words  | 22 PagesThe Federal Republic of Nigeria The Federal Republic of Nigeria, known as Nigeria, is located on the African continent and borders on the south the Gulf of Guinea, on the east Cameroon, on the northeast Chad, Niger on the north, and Benin on the west. Nigeria is divided into four sections: the north, south, east, and west. The Hausa kingom is located in the north, the Yoruba in the south and the west, and Ibo in south and the east. The Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba are the major ethnic groupRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesParadigm for an Urban World †¢ Howard Spodek 53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213 7 The Technopolitics of Cold War: Toward a Transregional Perspective †¢ GabrielleRead MoreInfluence Of Western Customs Of Wedding Essay9329 Words  | 38 Pagesexpenditure incurred in its performance was quite minimal, and not a burden on either family. Indeed, the Prophet stated: the most blessed marriage is one in which the marriage partners place the least burden on each other (Kalanauri, 2012). The African Islamic marriages followed the rules regarding marriage as addressed in the Qur’an and the Sunnah (approved actions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad), which both constitute the two major sources of the Shariah. Amongst these rules regarding pre-marital
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racism, Violence, And Violence - 1659 Words
Racism has been relevant in our country for several decades, and it is still one of the largest issues within our country. With us watching and hearing about racism within the news almost everyday, it is becoming something we just expect to see and hear about. Racism has ruined many people s lives, which causes the victims to want to express their feelings in a way that gains the attention of others. The main ways that racism is relevant within our everyday lives is within sports, music, news, and communication/actions with others. Sports should be activities that bring everyone together, causing everyone to forget about the bad things in the world. Within the past years there has been several notable racist actions involving sports,†¦show more content†¦Whitlock returned to his apartment to find â€Å"KKK,†â€Å"Go Back To Africa,†swastikas, and more spread out on his walls. Whitlock disappointingly responds, â€Å"Oppression, violence, racism, hatred, vio lence - there s no need for that (Whitlock, 2016). Racism should have no presence at sporting events, and relation to athletes, it should be enjoyable memories for people to experience and remember. Hip-Hop is currently the most popular genre of music in the United States, and with that rappers have a large audience to express their views on racism. Some of the biggest names today (Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Kanye West, Logic, and more) have created some of the most memorable songs/albums of our generation, by incorporating a graphic storyline into their music. Kendrick Lamar is debatably the best rapper our generation, which comes from his countless hit songs involving social issues, specifically racism. Lamar’s third studio album, To Pimp A Butterfly, was nominated for 11 Grammy’s in 2015, which was made-up of 16 songs explaining his view on racism on the African American race. Lamar raps, â€Å"If the government want me dead, plant cocaine in my car // Would you judg e me a drug-head or see me as K. Lamar? // Or question my character and degrade me on every blog?†(Kendrick Lamar, Mortal Man). Lamar is discussing that since he is from Compton, he believes that â€Å"White America†assumesShow MoreRelatedRacism, Violence, And Poisoning Media845 Words  | 4 Pageshistory of nations and what we are living today, racism continues building hate, violence, and poisoning media. Race is a significant social issue because people use racial differences as the basis for discrimination. Much of today s racism can be traced to the era of colonialism that began in the 1400s. Racism is the systematic practice of denying people access to rights, representation, or resources based on racial differences. Institutionalized racism is a thorough system of discrimination that involvesRead MoreRacism As Poor Treatment Of Or Violence4883 Words  | 20 PagesRacism Webster defines racism as poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race and the belief that some races of people are better than others, this leads to the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capabilities and that racial differences produce a superiority in a particular race. (Webster) With modern thinking and understanding we now know that this is truly not the case. Even in today s society we still have a racial bias towards groups ofRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Racism : Segregation And Violence1400 Words  | 6 PagesNegative Effects of Racism: Segregation and Violence Racial discrimination affects many minority groups and this issue still occurs to this day. Racial discrimination is the act of treating others differently because of the color of their skin. Although there have been laws placed to prohibit racial discrimination, racism still occurs and continues to have many negative effects to minority groups today. The negative effects of racial discrimination are discussed in the fiction novel, To Kill a MockingbirdRead MoreRacism Limits Student Success By Causing Violence1464 Words  | 6 PagesRacism â€Å"Racism, belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others†(Merriam Webster Dictionary 2015). Racism limits student success by causing violence; racism limits students by creating judgement,causing depression, and creating a world wide conflict stimulates hateRead MoreFrom the issue I stated about racism, I found that this issue is very sensitive and absurd. Racism700 Words  | 3 Pages From the issue I stated about racism, I found that this issue is very sensitive and absurd. Racism is not a wise ideal for society. In 1930, the racism was quite strong and this cause people to fight against each other. Nowadays, the issue is still going on in our society. This is just not about black people and white people but also there’s still left a bit of racism between races in Malaysia. Racism cause a massive effects on society. Back then, racism was about how the white people treat theRead MoreWhy Is There War?950 Words  | 4 PagesWhy is there war? Why is there racism? Why must almost all disputes be solved via violence? Why, why, why. It is in human nature to question, and to be curious. As well as abhorring anything that is different from what society defines as â€Å"normal†. Society abhors anything unusual. Honestly, many things puzzle me, as well as the rest of the human race for the most part. Whether it be the existence of paranormal entities, which has boggled the world for millennia, or the meaning of life. Some thingsRead MoreLight in August by William Faulkner1034 Words  | 4 Pagesto demonstrate who held the power. Violence is a distinctive motif found reoccurring in themes of race. There is a double standard in which African Americans who are provoked by oppression are dangerous while whites who administer the violence are justified as being a protector. In my paper, I will first introduce examples of violence that were results of racial tensions in William Faulkner’s Light in August. I will discuss that the reasoning behind violence is due to both internal and externalRead MoreEssay Religion and Racism1568 Words  | 7 PagesReligion and Racism Racism is prejudice against people of another race or ethnic group. Prejudice means pre-judging: making up your mind about someone or something when you have not considered the facts or the evidence. Racism has been around for a very long time, one of the first times that it happened on a major scale was when the Jews moved to Egypt, but were put into slavery because the Egyptians thought of them as inferior because their skin colour and religiousRead MoreRacism Is A Major Issue And Problem That Has Plagued The United States Of America1551 Words  | 7 PagesRacism is a major issue and problem that has plagued the United States of America for years. Racism has been around in our country since well before the Civil war and even today we still have people who are prejudice towards other races, but discrimination and other major issues had finally become illegal in the end of the 1960’s with the civil rights movement. During the civil rights movement we had many African American leaders and people who were fighting for civil rights within American. OneRead More Differences Between Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Essays1146 Words  | 5 Pageslived. Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Martin Luther King, and Stokely Carmichael all blamed the whites for the racism which existed. However, they agreed that it was up to the black society to end this problem. Using the black society, each of the authors had their own idea of how racism could be stopped. Unfortunately, for some, such as Malcolm X, this involved the use of violence, while others, such as King, favored the non-violent approach. This paper will focus, for the most part, on
Of Mice and Men †the American Dream Free Essays
According to Dictionary. com, the American Dream is defined as â€Å"The ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American; a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the U. S (American Dream). We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men – the American Dream or any similar topic only for you Order Now †But everyone’s idea of the American dream is an altered version of this idea whether it meant being independent or becoming richer. In the book Of Mice and Men, many characters try and pursue the life consisting of the American dream, and in the end, all of their work was in vain. At one of the ranches that George and Lennie go to, they meet a man named Candy, who is an old ranch handyman, who is starting to think that the boss will soon fire him because of his old age and disabilities. One day, he over hears George and Lennie talking about their ‘American Dream. ’ â€Å"S’pose I went in with you guys†¦ I ain’t much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some†(Steinbeck, pg 59). Although he knows that he isn’t that useful, he hopes that George and Lennie will accept his offering and let him have a piece of their dream. After Candy finds out about Lennie killing Curley’s wife, he knows that his dream had just become more impossible. Crooks, the black stableman, is another character that has a dream. â€Å"I remember when I was a little kid on my old man’s chicken ranch. Had two brothers. They was always near me, always there. Used to sleep right in the same room, right in the same bed- all three. Had a strawberry patch. Had an alfalfa patch†(Steinbeck, pg 73). He wanted what his old man had: a ranch, family, and independency. He also asked George if he could be apart of their ranch†¦ which later we find out that he later told George to forget about it because he knew that in the end, it wouldn’t have worked out. Curley’s Wife is another individual who once had a dream. One day she was talking with Lennie and how she almost fulfilled that dream. â€Å"Well, a show come through, an’ I met one of the actors. He says I could go with that show†¦ ‘Nother time I met a guy, an’ he was in pitchers. Went out to the Riverside Dance Palace with him. He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural. Soon’s he got back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it†¦ I never got that letter†¦ I always thought my ol’ lady stole it†¦ so I married Curley. Met him out to the Riverside Dance Palace the same night†(Steinbeck, pg 88). She clearly had a dream consisting of fame and fortune. After that dream was crushed by her mother, she followed up with her back up plan to get hitched. It didn’t work out so great, if you ask me. According to Steinbeck, it was nearly impossible, if not, impossible, to achieve the American dream. Anyone who tried to do so was doing it in vain. After we see each character describe his/her dream, we see someone/something that gets in the way and prevents that certain dream from turning into a reality. So, according to Steinbeck, pursuing the American Dream is to vain as an infant is to hard labor, each being impossible. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Work Cited â€Å"American Dream. †Dictionary. com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 01 Mar. 2012. Dictionary. com http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/american dream. Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. A Penguin Book Literature, Print. How to cite Of Mice and Men – the American Dream, Papers
Dont Get Me Started on... free essay sample
Don’t get me started on siblings. Everyone who has a sibling knows that they are the most irritating thing in the world. I mean who could blame me for thinking this seen as I am the second eldest of four, with two younger sisters and an older brother. Despite having 3 siblings I actually feel the pain of all those middle children out there as for ten years of my life, I myself was one of you. Yes, that does mean I know how it feels to be left out of ‘The Cool Club. ’ When we were growing up I was simply too smelly, too stupid and just too uncool to do anything but watch as my brother and sister have fun without me. Once the youngest came along things changed, but sadly not in the ways I had hoped. I really bloody hate it when my sisters take my stuff and don’t put it back. We will write a custom essay sample on Dont Get Me Started on or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My clothes are conveniently ‘getting lost’ in the wash and in a moment of complete idiocy my sisters ‘mistake’ my clothes for theirs. Despite my things being at least two sizes too big. When I finally get my clothes back from the sticky paws they are covered in stains and are completely ruined. I swear my sisters are secret agents sent to seek and destroy anything that will make me even the remotest bit attractive to the opposite sex. Being one of the eldest means that one mum is out I am in charge. However, even this slight perk is destroyed by my obnoxious little sisters. It’s as if they know my destruct code and they don’t mind giving it a test run. Whenever I tell them to do something the usual reactions I get are them pretending they didn’t hear me, they need to go to the toilet or they are suddenly overcome with the inability to use their limbs. They know this infuriates me and so when I ask them My older brother seems to think it is his place to scare of all potential suitors by being a total jack ass and threatening to hurt them if they even lay a single finger on my pretty little head. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was a possibility but alas my brother is no King Kong, in fact he is barely a Tom Thumb. My brother knows everyone. He could be a celebrity he knows that many people. It may appear to be harmless but believe me its bloody irritating. Imagine everywhere you go, no matter where it is, someone, somehow knows one of your siblings. How would you like it? I swear I get approached by complete strangers asking the obvious: ‘Are you Boon’s sister? ‘You are, aren’t you? Man you guys look identical’. NO, of course I’m not. I just had surgery to make myself look like him in every way. Honestly the stupidity of some people. At that point I am part of an analytical comparison essay where total strangers are mentally weighing up who is cooler and cuter. Sometimes I wish it was me. As much as we all may love our brothers and sisters, we still can’t help but find them infuriating from time to time. Or at least I can’t anyway
Friday, May 1, 2020
Rn vs Bsn free essay sample
A compare and contrast of associate-degree level verses baccalaureate-degree level in nursing: Heidi Kruger Grand Canyon University: NRS-430 (NRS-430V-O103) Professional Dynamics Feb, 2013 Abstract As an ever-changing health care system continues to evolve our practice becomes more advanced. The healthcare system requires an expanded knowledge base and training in order to deliver safe, comprehensive care. As in-hospital patient stays shorten and patient care moves to a community setting, a greater number of specialized nurses are needed. Expected to wear new hats, nurses must attain a higher level of education if we are to adequately rise to new challenges and fill the new rolls of our profession. ADN vs BSN: What’s in the alphabet soup Established in the U. S. in 1909, baccalaureate programs provided a comprehensive education for anyone whom desired to become a nurse professional. Generally this education pathway consisted of fives years of formal education, with three years providing a concentration on the nursing practice. Included in this preparation where courses on public health and education. Later, the preparation was expanded to include courses such as evidence-based practice, clinical prevention, improved patient outcomes and other upper lever critical thinking courses. In the mid 1950’s the U. S. encountered a nursing shortage and the demand for nurses became great. Developed by Mildred Montag in 1952, the associate degree in nursing program (ADN) was developed to fill this demand for nurses during the World War II and post World War II era. This program was only two years in length and included a balance of general education and clinical nursing courses. Its purpose was to provide â€Å"technical†nurse. These ADN prepared nurses where to assist and work under the supervision of a professional nurse. (Creasia, 2011) As the years progressed and the nursing shortage resolved, the ADN program remained recognized and many prospective nurses chose the two year community college program to its now four year university counterpart as it as more cost effective and granted the same license upon successful completion of the state board exam. Impact on competent patient care Multiple studies indicate that BSN nurses are better prepared to provide health care. As BSN undergo a higher level of education, which include more critical thinking and a deeper understanding of subjects such as rick management. This education is essential in making quick life and death decisions. More over, inpatient stays are becoming shorter with m ore care being provided in outpatient settings. Less time in an inpatient setting means a decreased amount of time with which to provide effective, competent care and deliver comprehensive, retainable patient education (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2000) As more care is delivered in a community setting i. e. patients homes, it decreases the available support that a lower level ADN may need. For example, there may be more PRN drugs. A nurse would need to understand how these drugs work separately and how they interact with each other without the aid of pharmacy immediately on had. As â€Å"technical†nurses, they are trained more to do. If a patient shows signs of heart attach or respiratory distress, an ADN nurse may immediately give emergency medication. In contrast a BSN may ask. Are you ok? What medication have you taken? What are you feeling? What where you doing when this began? All while assessing non-verbal cues in order to determine the appropriate action to take. BSN prepared nurses are trained to think quickly before acting quickly. If fast critical thinking and a deeper knowledge of disease processes are not combined, it may prove deadly. Evidenced based Studies Multiple studies show that a higher level of education reflects in patient care. Research at the University of Pennsylvania revealed at one Magnet Hospital that surgical patients had 14 percent lower odds in death and 12 percent lower odds of failure to resituate within a thirty day period compared to there non-Magnet counterparts. A study in 2007 revealed that a 10 percent increase in BSN prepared nurses where associated with 9 fewer deaths for every 1,000 discharged patients (Rosseter, 2012). BSN prepares nurses have a more positive impact on patient outcomes. Achieve a broader scope of practice and are superior caregivers particularly in emergency situations. By taking advantage of a higher level of preparation, it allows a nurse to practice to his / her full potential. Conclusion Nurses continue to pioneer new fields. Taking on new tittles such as Case Manager, Infection Control, Risk Management and Legal Nurse Consultant, the role of Nursing is quickly moving from one of patient care to that of community educator and resource manager. We are expected to wear new hats on a daily basis. For this reason, nurses must attain a higher level of education than was accepted in the past. It becomes ever more apparent that an ADN (Associated Degree in Nursing) program is not sufficient to prepare nurses for these new rolls. Many of these new rolls require a specialized certification. A higher degree of academic achievement is required if we are to adequately keep up with the challenges of a ever changing health care system and meet the demands of an increasingly technologically sophisticated society. References Creasia, J. L amp; Friberg, E (2011).
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Sample Appeal Letter for College Dismissal for Alcohol
Sample Appeal Letter for College Dismissal for Alcohol Alcohol and drugs play a significant role in many college dismissals. Students who spend much of the week impaired arent going to do well in college, and the consequences can be the end of their college careers. Not surprisingly, however, students are extremely reluctant to admit that alcohol or drug abuse was the cause of their academic failures. While students are quick to identify family problems, mental health issues, roommate situations, relationship problems, assaults, concussions, and other factors as the reasons for poor academic performance, almost never does a student admit that excessive college drinking was the issue. The reasons for this denial are many. Students may fear that admitting to the use of illegal drugs will hurt, not help, their appeals. The same can be said for under-age drinking. Also, many people with alcohol and drug problems deny the problem to themselves as well as others. Honesty Is Best For an Alcohol-Related Academic Dismissal If youve been dismissed from college for poor academic performance that is the result of alcohol or drug abuse, your appeal is a time to take a careful look in the mirror and be honest. The best appeals are always honest, no matter how embarrassing the circumstances. For one, the appeals committee knows when students are withholding information or being misleading in their appeals. The committee will have lots of information from your professors, administrators, and student affairs personnel. All those missed Monday classes are a pretty clear sign of hangovers. If youve been coming to class stoned, dont assume your professors dont notice. If youre always at the center of the college party scene, your RAs and RDs know this. Will being honest about your substance abuse result in a successful appeal? Not always, but youre more likely to succeed than if you try to hide the problem. The college may still decide that you need time off to mature and address your problems. However, if you are honest in your appeal, acknowledge your mistakes, and show that you are taking steps to change your behavior, your college may give you a second chance. Sample Appeal Letter for Alcohol-Related Academic Dismissal The sample appeal letter below is from Jason who was dismissed after a terrible semester in which he passed just one of his four classes and earned a .25 GPA. After reading Jasons letter, be sure to read the discussion of the letter so that you understand what Jason does well in his appeal and what could use a little more work. Also be sure check out these 6 tips for appealing an academic dismissal and tips for an in-person appeal. Heres Jasons letter: Dear Members of the Scholastic Standards Committee:Thank you for taking the time to consider this appeal.My grades at Ivy College have never been great, but as you know, this past semester they were horrible. When I received news that I was dismissed from Ivy, I cant say that I was surprised. My failing grades are an accurate reflection of my effort this past semester. And I wish I had a good excuse for my failure, but I dont.From my very first semester at Ivy College, Ive had a great time. Ive made lots of friends, and Ive never turned down an opportunity to party. In my first two semesters of college, I rationalized my C grades as the result of the greater demands of college compared to high school. After this semester of failing grades, however, Ive been forced to recognize that my behavior and irresponsibility are the issues, not the academic demands of college.I was an A student in high school because I am capable of good work when I set my priorities correctly. Unfortunately, I have not handled the freedom of college well. In college, especially this past semester, I let my social life spin out of control, and I lost sight of why I am in college. I slept through a lot of classes because I was up until daybreak partying with friends, and I missed other classes because I was in bed with a hangover. When given the choice between going to a party or studying for an exam, I chose the party. I even missed quizzes and exams this semester because I didnt make it to class. I am obviously not proud of this behavior, nor is it easy for me to admit, but I realize I cant hide from reality.Ive had many difficult conversations with my parents about the reasons for my failing semester, and I am grateful that they have pressured me into seeking help so that I can succeed in the future. In truth, I dont think Id be owning up to my behavior now if my parents hadnt forced me to be honest with them (lying has never worked with them). With their encouragement, I have had two m eetings with a behavioral therapist here in my hometown. We have begun discussing the reasons why I drink and how my behavior has changed between high school and college. My therapist is helping me identify ways to change my behavior so that I dont depend on alcohol to enjoy college. Attached to this letter, you will find a letter from my therapist outlining our plans for the coming semester should I be readmitted. We also had a conference call with John at the counseling center at Ivy College, and if I am readmitted, I will be meeting with him regularly during the semester. I have given John permission to confirm these plans with the members of the committee. My dismissal has been a big wake-up call for me, and I am very aware that if my behavior doesnt change, I dont deserve to attend Ivy. My dream has always been to study business at Ivy, and I am disappointed in myself for letting my behavior get in the way of that dream. I am confident, however, that with the support and awa reness that I now have, I can be successful at Ivy if given a second chance. I hope you will give me the opportunity to prove to you that I am capable of being a strong student.Thank you again for taking the time to consider my appeal. Please dont hesitate to contact me if any members of the committee have questions that I havent answered in my letter.Sincerely,Jason Analysis and Critique of the Appeal Letter First of all, a written appeal is fine, but in-person is better. Some colleges will require a letter along with an in-person appeal, but Jason should definitely strengthen his letter with an in-person appeal if given the opportunity. If he does appeal in person, he should follow these guidelines. Like Emma (whose poor performance was due to a family illness), Jason has an uphill battle to fight to get readmitted to his college. In fact, Jasons case is probably more difficult than Emmas because his circumstances are less sympathetic. Jasons failure is the result of his own behavior and decisions more than any forces that were outside of his control. His letter needs to prove to the appeals committee that he has owned up to his problematic behavior and has taken steps to address the issues that led to his failing grades. As with any appeal, Jasons letter must accomplish several things: Show that he understands what went wrongShow that he has taken responsibility for the academic failuresShow that he has a plan for future academic successShow that he is being honest with himself and the appeals committee Jason could have tried to blame others for his problems. He could have made up an illness or blamed an out-of-control roommate. To his credit, he does not do this. From the beginning of his letter, Jason owns up to his bad decisions and acknowledges that his academic failure is a problem that he created himself. This is a wise approach. College is a time of new freedoms, and it is a time to experiment and make mistakes. The members of the appeals committee understand this, and they will be pleased to see that Jason acknowledges that he didnt handle the freedom of college well. This honesty shows far more maturity and self-awareness than an appeal that tries to deflect responsibility onto someone else. In the four points above, Jasons appeal does a pretty good job. He clearly understands why he failed his classes, he has owned up to his mistakes, and his appeal certainly seems, to be honest. A student who confesses to missing exams because of excessive drinking is not someone who is trying to lie to the committee. Plans for Future Academic Success Jason could do a bit more with #3, his plans for future academic success. Meeting with the behavioral therapist and school counselor are certainly important pieces to Jasons future success, but they are not a complete map to success. Jason could strengthen his letter with a bit more detail on this front. How will he involve his academic advisor in his efforts to turn around his grades? How does he plan to make up the failed classes? What class schedule is he planning for the upcoming semester? How will he navigate the social scene that he has been immersed in over the past three semesters? Jasons problems are ones that the appeals committee will have seen before, but most students are not so honest in their failures. The honesty will certainly work in Jasons favor. That said, different schools have different policies when it comes to underage drinking, and it is always possible that his appeal will not be granted because of an inflexible college policy. At the same time, it is also possible that Jasons punishment will be lessened. For example, instead of dismissal, he may be suspended for a semester or two. On the whole, Jason comes across as an honest student who has potential but made some all-too-common college mistakes. He has taken meaningful steps to address his failures. His letter is clear and respectful. Also, because this is Jasons first time that he has found himself in academic trouble, he will be a more sympathetic case than a repeat offender. His readmission is certainly not a given, but I do think the appeals committee will be impressed by his letter and give his readmission serious consideration. A Final ​Note Students who find themselves in academic trouble because of alcohol or drug abuse should consult with professionals for guidance and support.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How to Improve Your Vocabulary
How to Improve Your Vocabulary There are many ways to improve your vocabulary. When working to do so, its important to know your goals in order to best choose the way in which you want to learn. For instance, reading can be a great way to improve your vocabulary, but it wont be much help on a vocabulary test next week. Here are a number of methods to help you improve and expand your English vocabulary. Synonyms and Antonyms A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning. An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning. When learning new vocabulary, try to find at least two synonyms and two antonyms for each word. This is especially important when learning adjectives or adverbs. Use a Thesaurus A thesaurus is a reference book that provides synonyms and antonyms. Used by writers to help find just the right word, a thesaurus can also help English learners expand their vocabulary. You can use an online thesaurus which makes finding a synonym easier than ever. Vocabulary Trees Vocabulary trees help provide context. Once youve mapped out a few vocabulary trees, youll discover yourself thinking in vocabulary groups. When you see a cup your mind will quickly relate such words as knife, fork, plate, dishes, etc. Create Vocabulary Themes Create a list of vocabulary themes and include a definition and an example sentence for each new item. Learning by theme emphasizes words that are related. This will help you memorize new vocabulary because of the connections between these words and your chosen theme. Use Technology to Help You Watching movies or sitcoms is a great way to help you understand native speakers of English. Use the options of watching individual scenes to make DVD use into a vocabulary learning exercise. For example, watch one scene from a movie in English only. Next, watch the same scene in your native language. After that, watch the same scene in English with subtitles. Finally, watch the scene in English without subtitles. By watching the scene four times and using your own language to help, youll pick up a lot of idiomatic language. Specific Vocabulary Lists Rather than studying a long list of unrelated vocabulary, use specific vocabulary lists to help you prepare for the type of vocabulary you need for work, school, or hobbies. These business vocabulary word lists are great for industry-specific vocabulary items. Word Formation Charts Word formation refers to the form a word takes. For example, the word satisfaction has four forms: Noun: satisfaction  The satisfaction of a job well done is worth the effort.Verb: satisfy Taking this course will satisfy your degree requirements.Adjective: satisfying / satisfied I found the dinner very satisfying.Adverb: satisfyingly His mother smiled satisfyingly as her son won the award. Word formation is one of the keys to success for advanced level ESL learners. Advanced level English exams such as the TOEFL, First Certificate CAE, and Proficiency use word formation as one of the key testing elements. These word formation charts provide the concept noun, personal noun, adjective, and verb forms of key vocabulary listed in alphabetical order. Research Specific Positions A great place to start learning vocabulary for a specific job is the Occupational Outlook Handbook. At this site, you will find detailed descriptions of specific positions. Use these pages to take note of key vocabulary related to the profession. Next, use this vocabulary and write your own description of your position. Visual Dictionaries A picture is worth a thousand words. Its also very helpful for learning precise vocabulary. There are a number of excellent English learner visual dictionaries for sale. Here is an online version of a visual dictionary dedicated to jobs. Learn Collocations Collocations refer to words that often or always go together. A good example of a collocation is do your homework.  Collocations can be learned through the use of corpora. Corpora are huge collections of documents that can track the number of times a word is used. Another alternative is to use a collocation dictionary. This is especially helpful when focusing on business English. Vocabulary Learning Tips Use vocabulary learning methods to focus quickly on the vocabulary YOU need to study. Dont make random lists of new words. Try to group words in themes. This will help you memorize new words more quickly.Always add context by writing out a few example sentences using new vocabulary. Keep a vocabulary notepad at hand whenever you are reading in English.Use a flashcard app on your smartphone to review vocabulary when you have some extra time. Before you begin your day, choose five words and try to use each word during conversations throughout the day.
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