Saturday, November 30, 2019
Return-Path Essays - Path, Bounce Address, Stowe Recreation Path
Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.1) with ESMTP id KAA82726 for ; Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:12:19 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from [emailprotected]) Received: from [] by (SMTPD32-5.05) id A8DB130126; Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:18:03 -0500 From: School.Sucks To: [emailprotected] Subject: The Termpaper You Asked For Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:16:17 -0500 X-Mailer: Allaire ColdFusion Application Server MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-Id: Status: Title of Paper : Communication in the Godfather Vito Corleone is one of the main characters in the movie The Godfather. Throughout the movie Vito gives numerous speeches to the men who work for him, do business with him, and ask favors of him. His style is unusual for a man with all of his power, but it is very effective. His style could be a good example to anyone who is in a management position working with subordinates as well as anyone working in sales or any other position where there is contact with potential business partners. In this paper I will be analyzing Vito's speaking style. First, I will discuss a brief history of Vito Corleone's life to put his speaking into perspective. Next I will discuss his speaking style in different situations. Finally I will look at the reactions to his speaking and his overall speaking effectiveness. Vito Corleone was born with the last name Andoline. He was born in Corleone, Sicily, in the early 1900's. When Vito was twelve-years old his family was murdered and fearing for his own life he immigrated to the United States. Young Vito did not want to be discovered so he did not give the immigration officer on Ellis Island his last name. The officer had to put some name down so the officer choose to use the town that Vito was from as his last name. After hiding out for a few years with relatives, Vito went to work in a grocery store in New York's Hell's Kitchen. At the age of eighteen, Vito married an Italian girl who had just arrived from Sicily. Vito continued to work at the grocery store until a local offshoot Mafia member made the grocery store owner give Vito's job to his nephew. Until that point Vito had never done anything illegal. Out of a job, Vito reluctantly helped a neighbor hide some illegal guns for a few dollars. Vito eventually made friends with his neighbor Peter Clemenza, and his neighbor's partner Tessio. A few weeks later Vito reluctantly agreed to high jack a truck with Clemenza and Tessio. Each of them cleared at least a thousand dollars from the heights. The local smalltime Mafia leader who had cost Vito his job heard about the truck heist. This local Mafia leader demanded a cut from the three young men. Vito, Clemenza, and Tessio were torn between paying the money that they worked so hard for, or keeping the money and becoming an enemy of the leader. Vito decided to hold out and not pay the amount the Mafia leader was asking. Clemenza and Tessio reluctantly agreed to let Vito handle the situation. Vito Corleone, after a clever discussion with the Mafia leader, used an ambush to kill the Mafia leader. Vito was still not interested in organized crime, he just had wanted to keep all of his money. Clemenza and Tessio were noticing that no new Mafia member had taken over now that the original leader had been killed. Clemenza spoke to Vito saying, "Nobody is collecting from the store owners. Nobody is collecting from the card games and gambling in the neighborhood." Tessio then said, "We could take over his customers. They would pay us." Vito shrugged, "I have no interest in such things." Slowly Vito realized that his neighbors viewed him differently now. Vito was treated as a "man of respect" by everyone now. When a widow had a problem with her landlord kicking her out, she surprising came to Vito for help. When he spoke to the landlord at the widows request, the landlord was rude and insulted that Vito would even step into his personal business. Vito remained polite and as he was leaving said, "Do me this service, eh? I won't forget it. Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me, they'll tell you I'm a man who believes in showing
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Inventions
Jeans, remote controls, cars, contact lens; these are basic everyday objects in our world today, but what about in the past? People didn’t have the stuff we have today. Those of you who’s read about history would know that life was more difficult back in the day. Many people wanted life to be more easy rather than such a hassle, and that’s when inventions began. But, what could they invent that would change the way we live our life. Of course, someone had to come up with a bright idea to invent our everyday-use-items, right? So with that in mind, I’m going to talk about the history in which inventions began to emerge. Why do many people wear blue jeans? Blue jeans were first made over 150 years ago. In 1850, the California gold rush was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 20-year-old Bavarian immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods. Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know what Mr. Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said, "You should have brought pants!," saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last. Strauss had the canvas made into pants. Miners liked the pants, but complained that they tended to chafe. Levi Strauss substituted a twilled cotton cloth from France called "serge de Nimes," which became known as denim. In 1873, Levi Strauss & Co. began using the pocket stitch design. The two-horse brand design was first used in 1886. The red tab attached to the left rear pocket was created in 1936 as a means of id entifying Levi’s jeans at a distance. If you were to invent something, would you have thought of making something such as Velcro. One lovely summer day in 1948, a Swiss amateur-mountaineer and inventor decided to take his dog for a nature hike. The man and his faithful companion both returned home covered with burrs, the plant seed-sacs... Free Essays on Inventions Free Essays on Inventions Jeans, remote controls, cars, contact lens; these are basic everyday objects in our world today, but what about in the past? People didn’t have the stuff we have today. Those of you who’s read about history would know that life was more difficult back in the day. Many people wanted life to be more easy rather than such a hassle, and that’s when inventions began. But, what could they invent that would change the way we live our life. Of course, someone had to come up with a bright idea to invent our everyday-use-items, right? So with that in mind, I’m going to talk about the history in which inventions began to emerge. Why do many people wear blue jeans? Blue jeans were first made over 150 years ago. In 1850, the California gold rush was in full swing, and everyday items were in short supply. Levi Strauss, a 20-year-old Bavarian immigrant, left New York for San Francisco with a small supply of dry goods. Shortly after his arrival, a prospector wanted to know what Mr. Strauss was selling. When Strauss told him he had rough canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the prospector said, "You should have brought pants!," saying he couldn’t find a pair of pants strong enough to last. Strauss had the canvas made into pants. Miners liked the pants, but complained that they tended to chafe. Levi Strauss substituted a twilled cotton cloth from France called "serge de Nimes," which became known as denim. In 1873, Levi Strauss & Co. began using the pocket stitch design. The two-horse brand design was first used in 1886. The red tab attached to the left rear pocket was created in 1936 as a means of id entifying Levi’s jeans at a distance. If you were to invent something, would you have thought of making something such as Velcro. One lovely summer day in 1948, a Swiss amateur-mountaineer and inventor decided to take his dog for a nature hike. The man and his faithful companion both returned home covered with burrs, the plant seed-sacs...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Every Other
Every Other Every Other Every Other By Maeve Maddox Clarity of expression is the writer’s goal, but what is clear to the writer may not always be clear to the reader. Ambiguity is the enemy of clarity. ambiguity (noun): the capability of being understood in two or more ways. ambiguous (adjective): admitting more than one possible interpretation. nuance (noun): a subtle or slight variation or difference in meaning. Ambiguity is not always a bad thing in writing. In literature, for example, ambiguity and nuance contribute to the pleasure of the reader who enjoys an intellectual challenge. In a science text or instruction manual, on the other hand, ambiguity contributes to confusion and error. ESL learners, especially, have difficulty with expressions that can be interpreted in more than one way. Even native speakers are sometimes left wondering about the meaning of a common expression. â€Å"Every other†is one of these expressions. It can mean â€Å"each of several,†as in â€Å"The homeless have the same rights as every other citizen†(i.e., all other citizens). Or it can mean â€Å"every second one,†as in â€Å"Open Mike Every Other Saturday†(i.e., alternating Saturdays). Most native speakers would have no difficulty interpreting the following uses of â€Å"every other†: Your child will muddle through [a cold] like every other child. The child’s father has visitation rights every other weekend. Why is every other politician trying to target Narenda Modi? Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle. Even a native speaker, however, might have to think about the following: Every teacher in the group was asked to rate every other teacher for general teaching ability and skill in discipline. Employees will empty large trash bins on Fridays and small wastebaskets every other day. The writer’s intended audience dictates usage. If the writer’s audience can be expected to include readers of widely differing English comprehension, the use of even such a familiar idiom as â€Å"every other†must be scrutinized. Here are suggested revisions of the examples given above: Your child will muddle through [a cold] like all other children. The child’s father has visitation rights on alternating weekends. Why are other politicians trying to target Narenda Modi? All particles of matter in the universe attract one another. Every teacher in the group was asked to rate each of the other teachers for general teaching ability and skill in discipline. Employees will empty large trash bins on Fridays and small wastebaskets on alternating days. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesIn Search of a 4-Dot EllipsisList of 50 Compliments and Nice Things to Say!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Current Even Topic on the Current USA Market & How it May Affect Term Paper
Current Even Topic on the Current USA Market & How it May Affect Students & Other Cultures Around the World - Term Paper Example Students typically enjoyed the use of new and innovative products and participated in the new revolution which has revolutionized the world. What is critical about these technological innovations is the fact that they have radically changed the culture of not only US but of other countries also. By redefining the way personal computers and internet is used, Steve Jobs was able to drastically change the way we now interact with the technology. Such an unprecedented achievement therefore requires special attention and treatment because the loss of Steve Jobs is not only the loss of a visionary business leader but also of a great personality who have propelled the society in an entirely new direction. This paper will therefore discuss the news of Steve Jobs Death and how this death might have an impact on the students as well as other cultures of the world. Steve Jobs- a Brief Introduction Steve Jobs was born on 24th Feb 1955 in San Francisco, California and died on 5th Oct 2011 after h is long battle with cancer. He was the chief executive officer and co-founder of American company Apple Inc. He along with Steve Woznaik successfully developed and marketed one of the earliest commercially produced brands of personal computers. They were both also behind the invention of the graphical user interface for the operating system to be run on any personal computer besides developing a device called Mouse for clicking the GUI icons. Steve Jobs however shot to the fame when he re-took the charge of Apple Computers and completely revamped and revived what was a dying company. His business style was considered as that of a perfectionist because he always wanted his firm and products to be at the forefront of the competition. It was this quest for perfection which has ultimately resulted into the development of some of the best products in the market. (POTTER, CURRY and JAMES) Most notable products of Apple include a portable music and video player with the name of IPOD which could not only play the music on the go but can also play videos. His second most notable innovation and product development was the creation of a smart phone with the name of Apple IPHONE. This smart phone became an overnight sensation as based on touch screen technology; this phone has been sold in millions. Lastly, Apple’s major product rolled out was a touch screen tablet computer with the name of Apple IPAD. Steve Jobs’s death and impact on students and other cultures One of the key features of these products is based on the fact that these products have related allowed the freedom to the young students and consumers. The music, videos and internet surfing on the go has allowed a much needed freedom to everyone because it has made people to shy away from the use of desktop computers and use mobile computers and devices. Due to this change a relatively new breed of consumers emerged – mostly students- which found a new level of freedom. Traditionally music o r videos could be listened to or seen while using a desktop PC or other audio and video devices however, the rolling out of the Apple IPOD has traditionally changed the way we used to listen to music or videos. Apart from this, these products were relatively cheaper and came with different varieties thus adding to the overall choice of the students. These products were designed in such a manner that they allowed almost everyone with
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Gideon v. Wainwright Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Gideon v. Wainwright - Case Study Example In Betts v. Brandy, 316 U.S. 455 (1942), the court modified this doctrine slightly, ruling, â€Å"that whether or not a lawyer was required would depend on the circumstances of whether a lack of representation affected a denial of due process, rendering the trial unfair. Due to the difficulty of proving the high standard of a due process violation, nearly all such cases involved the death penalty. This view had not changed by the late 1960’s. Today when an individual is apprehended by the police, he is informed of his constitutional rights; through being Mirandized, wherein he is informed that he is entitled to have representation and that if he can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed for him. In 1961 Clarence Earl Gideon had been charged with burglary for breaking into a pool hall in Panama City Bay County, Florida and taking money from the vending machines. He appeared in court too poor to afford counsel, whereupon the following conversation took place: The Court: Mr. Gideon, I am sorry, but I can not appoint counsel to represent you in this case. Under the laws of the state of Florida, the only time the court can appoint counsel to represent a defendant is when the person is charged with a 2 capital offence. I am sorry, but I will have to deny your request to appoint counsel to defend you in this case.... penitentiary. From his prison cell and making ample use of the prison library, Gideon appealed to the United States Supreme Court based on the fact that he had been denied counsel and therefore his fourteenth Amendment rights had been violated without due process of law. Mr. Gideon brought habeas corpus proceedings against the Director of the Division of Corrections. The Florida Supreme Court, 135 So 2 d 746, denied all relief, and Mr. Gideon brought certiorari. The United States Supreme Court granted certiorari to review judgment of the Florida Supreme Court denying habeas corpus on the ground that indigent defendant in criminal prosecution in state court has no right to have counsel appointed for him (372 U.S. 335) Mr. Justice Black held that the sixth Amendment to the federal constitution providing that in all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to assistance of counsel for his defense is made obligatory on the states by the3 fourteenth amendment, and that an indigent defendant in a criminal prosecution in a state court has the right to have counsel appointed too him. Like Gideon, Betts sought release be habeas corpus, alleging that he had been denied the right to assistance of counsel in violation of the fourteenth amendment, Betts was denied any relief, and on review this court affirmed. It was held that a refusal to appoint counsel for an indigent defendant charged with a felony did not necessarily violate the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Excel Igcse Computer Studies Glossary Essay Example for Free
Excel Igcse Computer Studies Glossary Essay Actuator – It is a device that can be operated by signals from a computer or control system causing physical movement. (E.g. devices for opening windows in a computer controlled ventilation system) Algorithm – It is a sequence of instructions designed to perform a particular task and it is independent of any programming language. It includes precise details about the operations to be performed and in what order. (E.g. pseudo-code or program flow chart) Batch processing – It is a processing that doesn’t start until all the data are collected without any needs of human interaction. It uses computer during overnight. (E.g. payroll system, billing, cheque processing) CAD (Computer Aided Design) – It is the use of computer system that allows engineers and architects to design new projects by producing drawings. (E.g. designing new cars) Command-line interface – It is a set of commands instructed by the user in order to communicate with the computer and get the requirements sorted out. Compiler – It is a program that converts high-level language into machine language and converts whole program before execution. Cookies – It is a text which the user receives when in access to the internet website and gets automatically downloaded onto the user’s computer and further develops to infect a computer. (E.g. it can be blocked when the user rejects it by setting its restriction on the web page) Data integrity – It refers to the accuracy of data. Data-logging – It is an automatic capturing and storing of data readings from sensors over a period of time. (E.g. weather forecasting) De-skilling – It is replacing a semi-skilled labour with a micro-processing control system. Dry run – It is working through a program or a section of a program manually. This is useful for locating errors, particularly run time errors. E-commerce – It is an electronic commerce that allows buying and selling goods and services through the internet/computer networks. Either B2B or B2C, they still serve their products. (E.g. on-line shopping, Internet/online banking) H.J.Hong Encryption – It is a way of preventing data files that contain sensitive information from being used if they’re stolen. Expert system – It is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) to a particular area of activity where traditional human expert knowledge and experience are made available through a computer package. (E.g. medical diagnosis) Generic software – It is a type of software that can perform many different related tasks. Intranet – It is a communication system, providing similar services to the internet solely within a particular company or organization. It makes it possible to share documents, databases and applications, using the same protocol as the internet. (E.g. more secure data) Logic gates – They are the components used in making logic circuits. Each gate has 1 or more inputs and produces a single output that depends upon the input(s). Simulation – It is a study of the behaviour of a system by using a model. (E.g. flight simulator) Structure diagram – It is a means of representing the design of a program or system and it demonstrates what happens at a program level Top-down design – It is the technic of breaking down a problem into subtasks that are sufficiently simple enough to be written as a self-contained module or procedure. (E.g. allows several programmers to work on the same large task, each module can be tested/debugged separately) Validation – It is a check on the data input and detects any data that is unreasonable and unacceptable. Video-conferencing – It is a form of an electronic communication through Internet for people who are geographically separated to transmit audio and video data. (E.g. meetings held at different locations) Virtual reality – It is a computer simulation that uses special interactive devices such as data gloves to create an artificial environment. (E.g. viewing newly constructed houses/pilot training) Virus – It is a program which replicates itself and damages files or data. (E.g. it alters the data on the infected computer without the user knowing it)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Character Education Programs :: essays papers
Character Education Programs One of the most important things to parents is that their child grows up to be a caring, healthy human being. Parents were actually asked what the most important thing they wanted for their children was. â€Å"The most common response, given by 48% of the parents, was making sure their child grows up to be a moral person.†( A good way to ensure this is by implementing character education programs. With the increase in violence in young people today, character education programs are a great way to teach people various good and useful morals. Character education programs are exactly how they sound; they are designed to build one’s character throughout childhood so that the individual is able to make good decisions in life. Character education programs are intended to handle â€Å"aggressive behaviors, build self-esteem, resolve conflicts peacefully, encourage diversity tolerance, practice core values and promote character education†( The effect of character education programs on student’s behavior will be addressed. Character education programs are designed to help with many issues such as aggressive behavior, life skills, conflict and violence, safety, diversity tolerance and most of all, they exist in order to help build one’s character. Effective character education programs need to include many main beliefs. It is said that â€Å"Character education promotes core ethical values as the basis of good character.†This means that some values which include caring, honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect for self and others are all essential to building character education. The hope is that schools that implement character education programs look at these values as obligations for the student to uphold. The second thing that character education needs to have is thinking, emotion, and behavior. The point here is to help people understand the difference between what is right and wrong, good and bad, and to use those â€Å"good†values throughout their life. In schools using character education, intentional, proactive, and comprehensive approaches are used to follow the values of good character. The intentional approach and proactive approach try to develop character, and the comprehensive approach uses every feature of schooling. For example, it would use the environment in and surrounding the school to try and build character. It would also make sure that the bus driver for the school bus is in good character.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Succubus on Top CHAPTER 4
â€Å"Doug!†He shrugged. â€Å"It's not a big deal. I mean, it's pretty hot, really.†â€Å"But I didn't do those things. It's not really me.†â€Å"She sounds just like you. Her name begins with a Gtoo.†â€Å"But it's not†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I swallowed, noting the similarities as well. Doug watched me appraisingly. â€Å"You can't really blame them. Description-wise, you two match, and everyone knows you and Mortensen are chummy – not to mention what a zealous fan you are and all. After they read the story, Casey even made the brilliant observation that you guys came in together yesterday. You should have seen the speculation that started.†â€Å"But†¦that was nothing.†No one at work even knew Seth and I were dating. I hadn't wanted that widely known. â€Å"We hadn't done anything.†Doug shrugged again, rising from the computer. â€Å"Too bad. I wouldn't have thought less of you if you had, you know. It's your business anyway.†I groaned. â€Å"Not when it's in print for everyone to see.†â€Å"I thought it was all fictitious,†he reminded me with a sly grin, putting on his coat. â€Å"It is! Doug, what am I going to do?†â€Å"Don't know, Kincaid. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Maybe start with asking Mortensen why he's putting his fantasies on display for everyone to see.†He tweaked my cheek, and I squirmed out of his reach. â€Å"As for me, I've got a rehearsal to get to. Big night tomorrow. Later.†My shift proceeded miserably after that. Now that I knew what the looks were for, the experience moved into a whole new realm of humiliation. I hated idle speculation, hated people thinking terrible things about me. I mean, it wasn't like I hadn't ever tied someone up before or had sex in an elevator, but come on. It wasn't the kind of thing I wanted people to consider publicly. I liked to keep my intimate affairs discreet. I therefore stayed in the office as much as possible, only going out to help when absolutely necessary, and to check if Seth had returned yet. Finally, a couple hours before closing, I saw him back at his table. I sat down opposite him in a rage, not even caring what others would think of us being together. â€Å"Why did you do it? Why did you write me in like that?†Seth looked up from his laptop, his expression clearly implying whatever writing he was working on still held his attention more than I did. For all I knew, I was at the center of an orgy in some novel now. â€Å"What?†â€Å"The story!†I threw American Mystery onto the table loudly. â€Å"You wrote me in. I'mGenevieve.†He blinked. â€Å"No you aren't.†â€Å"Oh yeah? How come both our names begin with a G? How come we look alike?†â€Å"You don't look anything like her,†he countered. â€Å"That's not what half the store thinks. They think she's me! They think you've written up a fling we had in an elevator.†Realization flashed across his face, and to my horror, he actually smiled. â€Å"Really? That's funny.†â€Å"Funny? It's terrible! They all think I'm a bondage freak.†â€Å"Thetis,†he began gently, still damnably serene, â€Å"I – â€Å" â€Å"Don't ‘Thetis' me. It won't work.†â€Å"I wrote that story, like, six months ago. Long before I met you. The publishing world doesn't move that fast.†â€Å"Well, the others don't know that.†I hovered on the verge of tears. â€Å"I'd never write in anyone so blatantly.†â€Å"Yeah? Well, they don't know that either,†I said, slouching back against my chair miserably, arms crossed. Seth sighed, his amber brown eyes compassionate as he regarded me. â€Å"Look, do you want me to say something? Tell them that it wasn't you?†â€Å"Lord, that would just convince them even more that it was me. Besides, what are you going to do, call a press conference to clear my name?†â€Å"I'm sorry,†he told me seriously. â€Å"I never thought anything like this would happen.†A hesitation. â€Å"Do†¦do you still want to go out tomorrow night? I mean†¦if you don't†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The old adorable shyness fell over him, and I couldn't stay mad. â€Å"No,†I told him. â€Å"I still want to go, but†¦I think we should, you know, show up at the concert separately. Most of the staff will be there, you know.†He opened his mouth to speak but then reconsidered. I suspected he had been about to accuse me of overreacting, but apparently my radiating fury made him think better of it. Seth wasn't exactly the confrontational type. Or, considering the mood I was in, perhaps he just wasn't the stupid type. â€Å"Okay,†he finally said. â€Å"We'll meet there.†â€Å"Georgina?†Looking up, I saw Paige standing over us, disapproval all over her face. I hadn't even noticed her approach. She wore another of her beautiful power suits, this time in an electric violet that looked stunning with her dark skin. â€Å"Can I speak to you for a few minutes?†she asked, tone grim. â€Å"In private?†I followed her to her office, letting her close the door behind us. Not surprisingly, a copy of American Mystery sat on her desk. â€Å"So,†she began crisply, â€Å"I've been hearing some rumors – â€Å" â€Å"Damn it. It's not me.†I proceeded to relate to her my own recent discoveries, pointing out Seth's observation concerning how long it took for works to come out in print. When I finished, I think I had mostly convinced her of my innocence, though sordid stories flying around the workplace still obviously distressed her. Studying nothing in particular, Paige drummed her lacquered red nails against the desk as she thought about what to do. â€Å"This will get cleared up with the staff in time. That, or they'll just get over it. What I don't like is the idea of any outsiders drawing conclusions. You do sound like that character, and anyone else who reads the story could make the same mistake. I don't want rumors starting that half of Seth's reason for working here is that he gets sexual favors on the side, courtesy of our employees.†â€Å"Oh Lord.†I covered my face with my hands, wondering how celebrities dealt with truly large-scale scandals. This small one was bad enough. I wanted to disappear. It tainted the beauty of what Seth and I were trying to build. â€Å"I think the best way to approach this is – â€Å" Her words dropped off as a grimace crossed her face and one hand clutched her stomach. I started toward her. â€Å"Are you okay?†She nodded, forcing a strained smile. â€Å"It†¦it's nothing.†â€Å"The hell it is. You should call your doctor†¦or at least go home.†â€Å"No, it'll pass. Besides, I've got too much to do. I need to make the new schedule and go over some inventory stats.†â€Å"That's crazy. I can do that stuff.†She shook her head, arguing again, and I argued right back. At last, Paige yielded, which only verified something must be seriously wrong. Those who went head-to-head with her rarely won. So, I finished my shift doing her extra jobs and serving as backup. It was exhausting, but I was happy to do it, still worrying about her and her baby. When we closed, I headed straight over to the suburbs, following the directions Bastien had given me. When I pulled up to his house, I could only sit in my car and stare for a few minutes. Now, I had a few well-formed ideas about the American Dream. After all, I'd been alive in the days when the term was first coined. I'd seen it arise, seen the mythology that surrounded it, seen the white picket fences and cute, well-kept neighborhoods. I'd even watched Leave it to Beaver. Seth's brother, for example, lived north of the city and had a pretty nice chunk of it carved out. But this? This was an American Wet Dream. Bastien's house went on forever, expanding ostentatiously beyond its marble and taupe facade. Even if he'd had a wife and family, I doubted they could have filled it up, and anyway, the kind of people who lived in these places didn't have large families. After all, this was the generation that had, what, 1.75 kids? The garage had three doors, as advertised, and tasteful shrubs and ornamental trees decorated the lawn. Since it was dark now, I couldn't see the rest of the neighborhood in detail, but I suspected I'd find more of the same. One house, next door, was lit up and busy with people. It was even bigger than Bastien's and probably the location of the party. â€Å"Are you compensating for something?†I asked when the incubus opened his door. Mitch Hunter flashed me the million-dollar grin. â€Å"My sweet sister, you and I both know that's not true. Love your haircut.†I'd come as Tabitha Hunter, lean and blond, though I'd conceded to his earlier complaints and given myself shoulder-length hair. He kissed my cheek and ushered me inside for a quick tour. After a few rooms, it all started blurring together. Cherry hardwood floors. Gorgeously painted walls. Sleek black appliances. Wainscoting. A hot tub out back. Enough guest bedrooms to house a Girl Scout troop. And cute, cleverly placed knick-knacks everywhere. â€Å"Isn't this going a bit far?†I asked, pointing to a framed copy of the Lord's Prayer in the foyer. â€Å"Tabitha, my love, man cannot survive on bread alone. We can, however, survive on delicious appetizers and hamburgers, so let's head over.†We arrived considerably after the starting time, since I'd been at work, and the party was in full swing. Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss these suburbanites after all. â€Å"Mitch!†called a loud voice as we shouldered our way through the people. Most were dressed for the barbecue theme in shorts, T-shirts, and Hawaiian prints. â€Å"Hey, Bill,†returned Bastien, extending his hand to a plain yet well-groomed man with silver-streaked black hair. I recognized him from his photos. Dana's husband. â€Å"This is my sister, Tabitha. Hope you don't mind me bringing her.†â€Å"No, no! The more the merrier, I say.†He allowed a small, artificial laugh and smiled at me, making his eyes crinkle. â€Å"Especially ones so pretty. Makes me wish I was a younger man,†he teased with a wink. Unable to resist, I looked up at him through my lashes and said demurely, â€Å"I've always thought age was kind of irrelevant, Bill.†I held onto his proffered hand. â€Å"I know I'm always happy to learn from those with more†¦experience.†His eyes widened slightly, lighting with both intrigue and alarm. â€Å"Well,†he said after an uncomfortable moment, â€Å"I should probably spread myself around.†He remembered to let go of my hand. â€Å"Feel free to find something to eat, and don't forget to try the pool.†He glanced at me and my come-hither smile consideringly, hesitated, and then reluctantly departed. â€Å"Don't ever do that again,†hissed Bastien, steering me toward the kitchen by the arm. â€Å"Do what?†â€Å"Flirt with this group! You're supposed to be bolstering my wholesome image, not leading on my target's husband.†â€Å"I wasn't leading him on. Besides, what's it matter? Scandalize them both.†â€Å"No. Dana only. My show.†I cut him a look but said nothing. He wanted me as an observer but not a participant. It figured. All the glory for himself, praise from those above. He'd always had this competitive need to make himself shine. It was one of the things that I liked about him – an eager desire to prove himself the best. I guess I'd had it once too, but not anymore. As far as I was concerned, he was welcome to all the fame and fortune of this gig. â€Å"Just play my sweet, angelic sister,†he continued in a whisper. â€Å"Possibly my sweet, angelic, and frigid sister.†Moving through the house gave me a chance to take in more of the party's theme. Faux palm trees. Glittering, decorative suns everywhere. Small appetizer tables set up here and there, laden with deviled eggs, cocktail wieners, and cubed cheese. It was silly in some ways, but someone had obviously paid a lot of attention to detail. I appreciated that. All of the guests looked like Bill – and Bastien and me, I realized. Clean-cut, with every hair in place. High quality, conservative clothes (in a tropical sort of way). Upper-class. White. They freaked me out. The kitchen proved to be the true hub of food, and I decided to simply gorge myself rather than risk more conversation that might upset Bastien. I loaded up a paper plate with a hamburger, potato salad, and some kind of weird Jell-O-fruit-whipped-cream hybrid dessert. My efforts to simply eat unnoticed proved futile, as I soon found myself surrounded by a group of women. I didn't know where they'd come from. One minute I was just eating, the next minute six perfect faces were smiling at me. They were like a pack of wild dogs, yipping nonstop, honing in on lone prey. They'd even managed to separate me from Bastien, all the better to tear me apart. The incubus now stood across the room with a similarly ravenous group of men, no doubt discussing cigars and lawn mowers. I shot him a panicked look, but he merely shrugged. â€Å"Mitch's sister,†oozed one of the women. â€Å"I should have known! You guys look exactly alike.†â€Å"Well, not exactly alike,†tittered another. She wore an appliqu? ¦ sweater vest. Yikes. â€Å"We were just talking about stamping. Do you stamp, Tabitha?†â€Å"Urn, like use stamps?†I asked with a frown. â€Å"I mean, I mail things†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Stepford Wives giggled again at this. â€Å"Oh! That's so funny.†â€Å"We mean rubber stamps. Arts and crafts stamps,†explained one of them. She'd introduced herself as Jody – the only name I could remember among the group. Probably because she seemed to have a slightly higher IQ than the rest. And was the only one of us without blond hair. â€Å"You use them to decorate things. â€Å" She dug into her purse and produced a small invitation on beautiful ivory cardstock. Scrolling vines and flowers decorated the front. â€Å"This is the invitation Dana made for this party.†I stared. â€Å"Seriously?†Somehow I'd imagined the â€Å"Great Job!†kind of stamps that teachers used on well-written papers. This was beautifully inked and in different colors. It looked professional, like something from Hallmark. â€Å"Mitzi's having a stamp party next week,†exclaimed one of the other women. â€Å"We could show you how to do it.†â€Å"Ooh†¦that would be so fun!†â€Å"Yes! Let's!†â€Å"Gee, it looks kind of time-consuming,†I told them, wishing desperately that I was somewhere else. I was sure I could have held my own in a cigar and lawn mower conversation better than a stamping one. â€Å"I don't think I have the time.†â€Å"Oh, but it's so worth it,†one assured me earnestly. She wore earrings that spelled ALOHA in dangling letters. â€Å"Betsey and I made bridal-shower invitations for her sister all day yesterday, and the time flew by. â€Å" â€Å"Did you use those cute dove stamps?†cooed another, not unlike a dove herself. â€Å"I spent all Tuesday looking for those at the mall.†â€Å"Don't you guys work?†I asked, wondering at their frequent use of â€Å"all day.†A century ago, I wouldn't have given it a thought. But this was the age of the so-called modern woman. We weren't supposed to lounge around in parlors anymore and pass out from wearing corsets. They turned to me, mouths agape. â€Å"Well, there's so much to do around the house,†Jody finally said. â€Å"Most of us are too busy with those things.†Like stamping? â€Å"Besides,†laughed Bitsy or Muffin or whatever the hell her name was, â€Å"it's not like we need to. Do you have a job?†â€Å"Well, yeah†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"What's your husband do?†â€Å"Oh. I'm not married.†This got more stares, and then suddenly they erupted with ideas and suggestions of â€Å"perfect single men†who worked with their husbands. I had to get out of here. Either that or render myself funconscious with the wrought-iron pig wearing an apron that sat on the kitchen table. I turned anxiously to Jody. â€Å"Didn't I hear there was a pool somewhere?†She brightened. â€Å"There sure is. I'll show you.†We extracted ourselves from the others, and she led me toward the back of the house. â€Å"Sorry if they're a little overwhelming,†she apologized. â€Å"I sort of feel responsible for their stamping frenzy. â€Å" The fact that she'd used the word â€Å"frenzy†to describe them made me laugh. â€Å"How so?†â€Å"I got them into it.†Her dark eyes twinkled. â€Å"Never thought it'd go this far, though. I used to be an elementary art teacher, and sometimes they remind me of the kids. They're all good souls, though.†â€Å"Why don't you teach anymore?†Drawing pictures with children sounded like a wicked cool job to me. If nothing else, the grading had to be easy. â€Å"Well, Jack likes me at home, and this way I get to take out my artistic urges on the house – and enable the neighbors. Every time I get hooked on a new project, our house takes the brunt of it: pottery, beading, watercolors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"And stamping?†She laughed. â€Å"And stamping.†â€Å"Could you, like, teach part-time and still get everything done around the house?†â€Å"Maybe. But I've also got my CPFV duties, so my schedule's pretty packed.†CPFV? Damn. For a minute there, Jody had seemed like a pretty cool person. â€Å"You're a member?†Her expression registered mild surprise. â€Å"Yes, of course. We all are. You should come to a meeting someday. I know Dana would love to have you.†â€Å"Where is Dana?†I hadn't even seen the main attraction tonight. â€Å"I mean, I'm such a fan and all. When Mitch told me we were coming, I couldn't even believe it.†Pursing her lips, she glanced around with a cute frown. â€Å"I'm not really sure where she is. She's probably just mingling. Everyone wants to talk to her. But don't worry – you'll see her before you leave.†â€Å"That'd be great.†She smiled and gave my hand a quick squeeze. â€Å"I hope we get to see you around. Oh – here we are.†We arrived in a massive, glass-encased sunroom containing a crystal blue pool. It looked lovely and inviting. When Jody asked if I had a suit, I assured her I had one under my clothes and thanked her for helping me. She returned to the main party, and I slipped into a bathroom where I shape-shifted into a turquoise bikini. Some people eyed me curiously, probably wondering who I was, but they left me alone once I was in the pool. I dove under, swimming laps, enjoying the solitude water offered. It had been a long time since I'd been able to do this. I knew Seth swam at a local health club; he said it helped clear his head sometimes. He and I would have to go together one of these days. Or better yet, swim in the ocean somewhere. Yes, that was the way to go. Moonlit beaches and tropical air, away from this crummy rain. Maui. Cancun. Hell, why did we even have to constrain ourselves to North America? We could go to the French Riviera, the Greek Islands†¦ I was so caught up in my fantasies that when I climbed out of the pool, I didn't notice the woman in front of me. I sidestepped, ever quick on my feet, just barely avoiding collision. â€Å"Sorry,†I said. â€Å"I didn't see – â€Å" I froze. It was Dana. She looked exactly like her promotional pictures. Slim, average height, shoulder-length black hair, and penetrating blue eyes. Her bio placed her in her forties, but she looked a lot younger than that. The result of all that clean living, I supposed. She wore khaki shorts and a green T-shirt, modestly covered by a white button-up blouse tied in a knot over her stomach. A smooth, cool smile settled on her face, and those eyes reminded me of a hawk seeking out prey. â€Å"No harm done,†she said in that same hypnotic radio voice. â€Å"I don't think we've met. I'm Dana.†She extended a hand, and I took it. â€Å"Yes. Of course you are. I mean, I know you are. I've seen your pictures. Er, I mean, I'm a fan and all†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"And you are†¦?†â€Å"Oh. Sorry. I'm Tabitha Hunter. Mitch's sister. Though maybe you knew that. Everyone says we look alike. I guess we do. I've never really thought about it†¦much†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ye gods, why was I rambling like this? I had worked dukes and bishops who were ten times scarier than her. They hadn't turned me into a blathering idiot. What was it about one radio bigot that should prove so unsettling? The eyes, I decided. They reflected no warmth. They were shrewd. Conniving. The kind of eyes that warned she had not risen to where she was today without hypervigilance. The kind of eyes that had an agenda. â€Å"It's nice to meet you,†she said, still maintaining that too-perfect smile. â€Å"I didn't know Mitch had a sister. You seem to be†¦enjoying the pool.†Her eyes glanced down over me and back up, suddenly making me feel self-conscious. Water dripped most unflatteringly off of me, and I uneasily wondered if this suit showed too much skin. At least it wasn't white. Bastien's warning about wholesome image came back to me for real, and I understood his concern now. Looking like a strumpet could be bad for his reputation. If he drew whispers and disdain, he might be ostracized from this group and lose access to Dana. Suddenly, Dana's frostiness didn't seem so weird. It was disapproval. She had, after all, delivered a whole spiel on the abominable state of today's fashions. Here I was embodying it. â€Å"It's very nice,†I said. â€Å"One of the, um, best pools I've swam in.†I stopped before I could say something else even more asinine, and silence fell. She looked as though she expected me to continue and could wait all night until I did. Unfortunately, I had no idea what to talk to this weird woman about. My alleged hatred of homosexuals? Ask if she had recommendations for a more modest swimsuit? â€Å"So, um†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I began. â€Å"This barbecue theme†¦it's really, uh†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I was saved just then – sort of – by Bastien. He strode up to us, appearing very excited to have found Dana. A sharp look in his eyes said he was less thrilled to see me, especially in this state, but he kept it masked from the other woman, instead coming off as amiable and charming as ever. â€Å"Ah, Tabitha, I see you've met our hostess.†â€Å"Yes,†agreed Dana. â€Å"We've been having a most stimulating conversation. Your sister's quite the wordsmith.†I flushed. Bitch. When I was in my zone, I could outtalk her any day. â€Å"Glad to hear it. My Tabby Cat here is nothing if not stimulating.†Oblivious to my horror over my new nickname, Bastien steered her into some pleasant conversation about the creativity of the party and the beauty of her home. Her demeanor warmed up only a bit from what it was with me. She still came off cool and watchful. Maybe she was always chilly around people, and it wasn't just me. In fact, I thought optimistically, this slightly elevated interest in Bastien might indicate that she wanted to throw him up against a wall. They conversed a bit longer about something I lost interest in, and I tried to stay inconspicuous, though I could tell I never dropped off Dana's radar. She was studying me, trying to figure me out. Finally, Bastien said good-bye, and we began our retreat toward the front door – once I'd changed back to decent clothing, of course. Our exit proved more difficult than expected since apparently it was customary to say good-bye to every single person you passed and get continually delayed by meaningless small talk. â€Å"My God,†I exclaimed once we were safely back at his place, â€Å"that was annoying.†He turned on me, anger flashing in those movie-star blue eyes. â€Å"Are you completely out of your mind?†â€Å"Okay, you're right. I've been in more annoying situations. Remember that marquis' party back in Marseille?†â€Å"That†¦that getup! When I first saw you two together, Dana looked ready to explode. Thank goodness this body's more flat chested than your other one. It saved you from looking like a complete pinup.†â€Å"I'm sorry,†I told him. â€Å"I was just trying to escape those stamping women and headed for the pool without thinking. I have a suit just like this at home. It was stupid†¦but I don't really think it caused long-term damage.†I hoped. His expression darkened, and he threw himself into one of the living room's exquisite armchairs. It was covered in white suede. Breathing on it would probably get it dirty. â€Å"I don't know. She was distant with me – you saw it.†â€Å"I was hoping that's how she always is. And she was a bit more responsive with you than me,†I offered helpfully. â€Å"No. You should have seen her when we spoke earlier tonight. Much friendlier. She definitely clammed up with you around.†â€Å"I'm sorry,†I said again, feeling idiotic. â€Å"I guess I shouldn't take a front-row seat to this after all. I'm cramping your style. Or rather, destroying it.†His stormy expression lingered a bit longer, then disappeared like clouds swept away by wind. That was my Bastien. Quick to anger, quick to love. â€Å"No matter, Fleur .Takes a lot more than you to ‘destroy my style.'†He patted his lap and grinned. â€Å"Come here, sis, and I'll tell you the rest of my brilliant plan.†I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Are we that kind of family?†His smile broadened, and I sat down, unable to resist that goofy charm. He slung his arm around me in an old, familiar way, and I leaned into him. It was nice to have the touch and comfort of another living thing, romantic or not. â€Å"So there's another part of this wacky plan?†â€Å"Not so much another part as an entirely different plan. A backup plan, if you will.†â€Å"Oh no. Here it comes.†â€Å"Naturally, I'd much rather disgrace Dana in a horizontal kind of way, but in the very unlikely event that doesn't work, there's a much less exciting – yet effective – way to do it. And you're going to help me.†â€Å"How so?†â€Å"We're going to break into her house. â€Å"
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Us History Exam notes
An area in social life, Independent of government where Informed citizens can come together and discuss and Influence political action, a domain that used to be solely for political figures and upper society. What were the major components of the public sphere In colonial North America? The public sphere expanded with the raising of literacy rates and the view that participating in politics and reading was fashionable. Some of the influences were numerous coffee shops and pubs, lots of bookshops, Boston Newsletter, first continuously published newspaper.Which early American stands out for his contributions? Benjamin Franklin What were his three major contributions to the growth of the public sphere? Editing the Pennsylvania Gazette which was considered the best edited, founding the Junta, a forum for mutual Improvement and for discussion about politics, and the Library Company of Philadelphia which was the flirt establishment of circulating literature. What component of freedom was e ssential to the establishment and growth of the public sphere? Freedom of expression. Which famous libel trial demonstrated that this freedom was becoming ingrained in he popular imagination? 735 Publisher Zinger brought up on charge of libel against the governor, calling him corrupt, and after he showed evidence that the governor was corrupt he was found not guilty. This showed the public that the truth will always win. Columbian exchange- transatlantic flow of goods W > E – tomatoes, potatoes, cotton, tobacco, corn E > W – sugarcane, rice. Horses, pigs, sheep Black Legend- Based on Lass Cases' book shows image of Spain as uniquely brutal and exploitative colonizer, gives other countries Justification to colonize, challenge Spain's old French and Dutch are what kind of empires?Commercial, looking for trading, gold and the Northwest passage England Is what kind of empire? Colonizing, Individual men looking for land, and through the possession of land, freedom and bring them back to the home country to make it wealthier, not focusing on colonization or trade Northwest Passage- Route to Asia through N America English colonization begins with Jamestown in 1607 by Virginia Company 5 Attributes to English Freedom: 1. King subject to rule of law (Magna Cart) 2. Security of persons and property 3. Habeas corpus- cannot be held indefinitely w/out charge 4.Right to face your accuser 5. Right to trial by Jury Mercantilism: There is always a winner and a loser in trade, best to be the person with money, exports should always exceed imports Virginia- tobacco in Chesapeake region, swampy Pennsylvania- Religious freedom for Quakers, no slavery Georgia- meant to be a refuge for the English poor, became large slave owning plantation state, rice and indigo Carolinas: Indigo and Rice Rhode Island and New Jersey- religious freedom Massachusetts- formed with original Plymouth colony.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Clockwork Orange Essay Example
A Clockwork Orange Essay Example A Clockwork Orange Paper A Clockwork Orange Paper Essay Topic: Film A Clockwork Orange written and directed by Stanley Kubrick, is a 1971 adaption of the 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange, written by Anthony Burgess. The film portrays modification of the protagonist, Alexs behavior, through the method of operative conditioning. Kurbrick uses violence and sexual images throughout the movie, but distances the viewer to emphasize for a cruel character we initially meet. Krubrick sophistically uses music, and camera effects to distance the audience. Distancing is used initially to adapt us to this violence, and eventually sympathize with Alex. Kubrick uses music almost in an operative conditioning way, evoking abnormal emotions, when compared to the images associated with them. This turns the violent scenes, which would normally provoke emotions of rage, now are subdued and sometimes replaced with more subtle ones, or even entertains the viewer. Music is first introduced to the audience in the opening scene. The music of the moog synthesizer opens up the movie, setting the scene of the club. The viewer first meets Alex, who is speaking about becoming intoxicated, and then going out to commit some ultra-violence. The moog sets a dark scene, but also has a playful and mysterious sound to it. The next scene, where Alex and his droogs are shown beating a drunk, homeless man, serves its purpose of illustrating the type of violent acts Alex and his gang often commit. In this scene the lack of music and the raw sounds of the beating and shouting stun the audience. The next scene exposes the audience to a rival gang raping young girl. The opening of the scene opens up with the music, and the manner in which the gang manipulates the girl, dragging her in every which direction, removing her clothes in the process, is fitting for the music, and causes the audience to become distanced. Kubreck further distances the audience, by Alexs barrage of insults towards the opposing gang, sparking a fight. Throughout the fight elegant leaps, dives, tackles and breaking chairs add a choreographed element to the scene, fitting perfectly with the pace, and makes the violence seem almost comical. The next scene we experience music as a distancing tool is in the scene at Home. Alex and his droogs break into this house, and attack the house owner, tie him up, and then rape his wife. The method of distancing is used here, through the sing and dancing of Alex. He sings, Singing in the Rain, whilst giving the house owner a few swift kicks in the stomach, and gracefully dancing to the music. This song is often associated with being a playful song, with clever footwork as dancing. Alex turns this footwork into kicks, but still keeps the element of the musical with his prancing movements. After this the next time we come across music, is when Alex has returned home for the night, and puts on his cassette player. Here the audience is able to understand his connection to the music. The song plays in the back ground, accompanied with flashing images of the four Jesus statues being crucified, and other violent images from pop culture. Alex describes the great pleasure he is experiencing listening to Beethoven, we see him close his eyes and smile in ecstasy. This causes the audience to share these feelings, empathizing with the emotions shared with music. In the next two scenes the audience is distanced from the violence and sex on screen by music, as well as the speed of the shot. In the first scene Alex has brought home two females from the record store, and proceeds to have sex with them. The camera speeds up and plays fitting music, which makes it comical to the audience, desexualizing this scene, although full frontal nudity can be seen on the from the females, and a multitude of sexual positions are carried out . The other scene where Kubrick makes use of camera effect and music is when Alex beats his fellow droogs by the river. When Alex hears classical music coming out of the window when he is by the river, he proceeds to hit one of them in the stomach with his cane, kicks them in the stomach, and finally pushes them into the Thames River. This scene is filmed in slow motion, and the screams of pain when Alex cuts his fellow droogs hand, is silenced by the sound of music. This method makes the action almost surreal, although t here is blood from the cut and the image of the blade slicing through the hand, the effects of this image is minimalized by the speed and music during this scene. In these scenes Kubrick utilized camera effects and especially music to alienate the audience from the violent acts Alex and his Droogs commit. Compared to when we saw the gang beating the drunken man, to the when Alex murders the woman with a statue; we have less of a reaction to this killing. The movement of the camera, focusing on the woman, and then Alex, creats a comical standoff, as Alex distances the woman with a male statue in the form of the male genetalia. Finally the image of the statue coming down doesnt show the direct image of violence, but leaves it to the viewers mind, a further way of distancing the viewers emotions. Kubrick distances the audience, and creates a relationship, possibly making Alex a likeable character, for his alpha male position, his humor, musical interests, and his seductive abilities. When Alex is betrayed by his gang and left in a helpless position, the viewer feels a sense of sympathy for Alex, and takes his side. The prison sequence serves as a transitional bridge between the unconditioned and conditioned Alex. He is first dehumanized, having all of his positions being taken away, and is referred by all members of staff by a number, similar to that of a concentration camp. During the initial prison sequence, it appears as if Alex has already started his self-rehabilitation, turning to the bible for the answers, and befriending the pastor. The audience is likely to view Alex as someone who is becoming a changed person, but this is idea is quickly suppressed when Alex visualizes himself in bible scenes, committing these acts of holy violence. At first when Alex is exposed to this experiment, the audience doesnt sympathize with Alex, as he positively responds to the violent and sexual images being shown on screen. Once the effects of the drugs start to kick in, Alex sees the altered paradigm of these images and starts to feel sick, and cannot stand watch, and lets of screeches of pain, making the viewer feel uncomfortable. The viewer further sympathizes with Alex, when he realizes that the music he once loved is being played in conjunction with these disturbing images. Kubrick uses this direct torture scene, to show the extent of cruelty Alex went through in order to be conditioned and even gives the audience a glimpse at the images, even further connecting them with Alex. The viewer sees Alex again, this time two years after the treatment. Alex goes through a series of live action tests, in front of positions and the prison warden. The doctors use these tests to illustrate the effectiveness of the conditioning, and the control and power they have over Alex. In this scene the audience witnesses the nausea Alex experiences when he is confronted first with violence. Kubrick shows Alex not provoking the fight, and brings him to submission, licking a mans shoe, in order to stop the violence. The audience empathizes with Alex, as he would have normally responded with violence and defended himself, but even in a situation such as this one, Alex had no control. Kubrick uses camera angles to capture Alex here looking at the shoe, and being dominated by this man. Kubrick further illustrates the lack of control Alex has, when he is presented with a topless woman. Alex easily aroused reaches for the womans breasts, but cant touch them, as he is overwhelmed by nau sea. Once Alex is released back into society, it is easy to tell that Alex is out of place. When he returns home, his parents are hesitant, and are not sure how to respond to this new Alex. When Alexs replacement insults Alex, Alex attempts to hit him, but he suddenly experiences the same feeling nauseas feelings as before, causing him to seize up and stop immediately. Kubrick uses this situation to cleverly illustrate how little control Alex has when he is placed back into society. The viewer is likely to respond with empathy towards Alex, as now his parents are not accepting of him, and he cant control his actions. The viewer now sees a changed Alex, one who is now powerless, naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and unaware of the dangers surrounding him. Alex is exposed to this past society, a dystopia situated on violence, sex, and fear. Once Alex is kicked out of his home, he takes a walk to the same river where he attacked his fellow Droogs earlier in the movie. This time Alex is emotionally torn apart, having nowhere to go, as well as being neglected by his family, he stands over the river looking down sobbing, contemplating suicide. At this point the viewer has seen two sides of Alex, and is now seeing Alex at his all-time low, which provokes both anger, at the doctors who made him this way, and empathy. Alex is then approached by a drunken homeless man, the same one that Alex and his Droogs brutally beat in the beginning of the film. The man first asks for money, and then realizes that something is wrong with Alex, and attempts to help him. To the mans surprise this boy he was asking for help, was the very same one who left him for dead two years ago. Kubrick here in a change of roles, illustrates the old man as the aggressor, and similar to the demonstration scene, puts Alex into a powerless position. The old man first exclaims that he, never forgets a face, and then drags Alex to the tunnel where the other homeless are gathered. This time Alex, much like the homeless man in the begging is helpless to the onslaught of grabs, kicks and hits. This scene can be said to be the start of the cyclical timeline, where Alex is experiencing the violence he once carried out, from a victims point of view. The fight is then broken up by two policemen, two former Droogs. This is both comes to the disbelief of Alex and his former Droogs. They are surprised to see someone who once had a dominant hand on them, and controlled his position by violence, be in such a position. Now the role has reversed, where the two Droogs are the ones in power, and have the authority. Although Alex has gone through this treatment, he is still faced with violence, something that he is surrounded by in their society. In the policemen scene, Alex is dragged out to a field and has his head dunked in water, as his former Droogs attempt to drown him. In this scene Alex breaks the fouth wall or directly addresses the viewer, looking into the camera, a technique used to both isolate and cause empathy to the viewer. In another similar sequence of events, Alex ends up stumbling back to Home, the place where earlier, he had raped the owners wife. He is welcomed in this time with open arms, and is taken care of. Whilst Alex is upstairs taking a bath, he begins singing, Singing in the rain. This may be unintentional, and a subconscious reaction in Alexs mind, but this causes the house owner to have similar response to that of when Alex was being tortured. This could be said that Kubrick used this sequence to illustrate how unaware Alex is of his past life, and how violence has been completely removed from his life, and he is now under the control of the conditioning. Once the housekeeper composes himself he calls two of his friends for dinner and serves Alex some spaghetti. Through the attitude and facial expression of the house owner, the audience is aware of the anger he is experiencing sitting across from Alex. Alex seems to take little notice to this, but is only somewhat hesitant when offered wine, and more wine, but politely drinks it. Alex is then drugged and the scene ends. Alex wakes up in a bedroom. The first thing to happen be Beethovens 9th is played. Alexs conditioning has caused him to associate this song with violence, as this was a background track to the images Alex viewed during his conditioning. At this point Alex cant stand the torture of the music, and jumps out of a window. Kubrick here connects the audience with Alex, by simulating a first person point of view of Alexs attempted suicide. The closing scene has Alex in the hospital in bed. He is approached by a nurse and is asked to answer a few physiological evaluating questions. His behavior suggests that he is back to his pre-conditioning ways, with his references to violence, and crude sense of sexual humor. Kubrick here finishes the cyclical timeline, with Alex back to the start, but after seeing what the operative conditioning did to Alex, the viewer doesnt view Alex as a villain or dark, but it could be argued, is pleased to see him back in his original state. The closing scene where Alex meets the Interior Minister, suggests that Alex was merely an experiment, and then a propaganda tool for the government. The Minister justifies his actions as an accident, and that they understood that his was the best treatment for him. Classical music finally closes this scene, and Alex imagines a man and woman having sex, illustrating his successful recovery. Kubrick has now created a different image of violence and sex in the viewers mind, so when they are exposed to the last scene, they share the feelings of joy with Alex, and are happy for his recovery. Kubrick Primarily uses music as a distancing tool in A Clockwork Orange, but he also makes use of camera view points, and speed. The cyclical timeline of Alexs life can also be correlated with the viewers emotions, as they possibly see Alex back as him old self, and are left wondering if he will go back into his violent lifestyle. Kubrick emphasizes the society that Alex is raised in, how it is embedded in violence and sex, and how this possibly created Alex the way he was. A Clockwork Orange showed that even when Alex changed, the dystopian society still remained constant, and ultimately big brother had control over all of the aspects.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Aether Definition in Alchemy and Science
Aether Definition in Alchemy and Science There are two related science definitions for the term aether, as well as other non-scientific meanings. (1) Aether was the fifth element in alchemical chemistry and early physics. It was the name given to the material that was believed to fill the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere. The belief in aether as an element was held by medieval alchemists, Greeks, Buddhists, Hindus, the Japanese, and the Tibetan Bon. Ancient Babylonians believed the fifth element to be the sky. The fifth element in the Chinese Wu-Xing was metal rather than aether.(2) Aether was also considered the medium that carried light waves in space by 18th and 19th Century scientists. Luminiferous ether was proposed in order to explain the capacity of light to propagate through apparently empty space. The Michelson-Morley experiment (MMX) led scientists to realize there was no aether and that light was self-propagating. Michelson-Morley Experiment and Aether The MMX experiment was performed at what is now Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in 1887 by Albert A. Michelson and Edward Morley. The experiment used an interferometer to compare the speed of light in perpendicular directions. The point of the experiment was to determine the relative motion of matter through the aether wind or luminiferous aether. It was believed light required a medium in order to move, similar to the way sound waves require a medium (e.g., water or air) to propagate. Since it was known light could travel in a vacuum, it was believed the vacuum must be filled with a substance called aether. Since the Earth would revolve around the Sun through the aether, there would be a relative motion between the Earth and the aether (the aether wind). Thus, the speed of light would be affected by whether the light was moving in the direction of the Earths orbit or perpendicular to it. The negative results were published in the same year and followed up with exp eriments of increased sensitivity. The MMX experiment led to the development of the theory of special relativity, which does not rely on any aether for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. The Michelson-Morley experiment is considered to be the most famous failed experiment. (3) The word aether or ether may be used to describe apparently empty space. In Homeric Greek, the word aether refers to the clear sky or pure air. It was believed to be the pure essence breathed by gods, while man required air to breathe. In the modern usage, aether simply refers to invisible space (e.g., I lost my email to the aether.) Alternate Spellings: Æther, ether, luminous aether, luminiferous aether, aether wind, light-bearing ether Commonly Confused With: Aether is not the same thing as the chemical substance, ether, which is the name given to a class of compounds containing an ether group. An ether group consists of an oxygen atom connected to two aryl groups or alkyl groups. Aether Symbol in Alchemy Unlike many alchemical elements, aether does not have a commonly accepted symbol. Most often, it was represented by a simple circle.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
ERP story Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
ERP story - Case Study Example Another big challenge was regarding the data definitions and standardization among the three member companies and their systems. The project should enable consistency in data. Also the data should be available to everyone on a real time basis unlike current situation. A big challenge was also identified in non-standardization of interfaces for different applications and companies. Similar interfaces were desired for all systems as a result of the project. This would enable rotation of employees and easier knowledge transition. A major desired characteristic of the project was to ensure that the accounting and financial systems of the 3 companies are in sync and there is minimal manual intervention and control. There is also a need to make the human resource management processes more efficient by realizing economies of scale and leverage the individual capabilities of the 3 companies to the advantage of the whole group. Another characteristic of the project would be to create a uniform sales and marketing environment for the 3 companies and to leverage the use of internet and social media. Jean Roberge has identified his challenges and characteristics in mainly 2 areas which are obviously very important. However, he seems to have neglected challenges in a very important area which is People Management. In such a huge ERP project, the implementation would change the entire way in which people are going to work. Therefore, the required change in the mindset of the people is a big challenge (Wong et. al.). Therefore, a desired characteristic of the project should be to have training and counseling sessions for people to enable a smooth transition. These sessions would also enable them to overcome their apprehensions regarding lay-offs and job-cuts. Another challenge which should be considered is data migration. Migration from old systems to new systems especially in case of huge historical data could be a big challenge and can take days or
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